Course name Sustainable materials and processes engineering
Study-unit Code A002449
Curriculum Materiali per l'aerospazio
Lecturer Bruna Bertucci
  • Bruna Bertucci
  • 50 ore - Bruna Bertucci
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2024/25
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Chimica e fisica della materia
Sector FIS/01
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The physical principles of mechanical stresses and thermal radiation will be recalled. The main test methodologies and instruments for space qualification will be then introduced. The knowledge acquired will be applied in the design and development
of experimental tests in the laboratory.
Reference texts An introduction to Shock & Vibration spectra (Tom Irvine) - Shock & Vibration Handbook (Harris, Pearsol)
Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer, Incropera, De Witt, Bergman, LavineAn introduction to Shock & Vibration spectra (Tom Irvine) - Shock & Vibration Handbook (Harris, Pearsol)
Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer, Incropera, De Witt, Bergman, Lavine
Educational objectives The aim of the course is to introduce the student to the environmental conditions to which
materials and systems for aerospace applications are exposed. The purpose is to prepare the student to the
qualification process needed to verify the suitability of materials and systems to operate in
extreme environmental conditions.
Teaching methods Lectures and practical experiments in the laboratory
Learning verification modality Discussion of the report of the laboratory experimens.
Extended program Fundamentals of free, damped and forced vibration of a mechanical system
with 1 degree of freedom,
with n degrees of freedom
and Random Excitations.
Fundamentals of Heat transmission
- conduction (Fourier equation, contact thermal resistance)
- radiation (emissive power, absorption, heat exchange between surfaces)
- Overview on thermal and thermovacuum tests
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile The knowledge acquired will allow the student to be integrated into a rapidly developing sector such as aerospace.