phd24Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 10:00 AM, in the Aula Magna of Palazzo Murena, the Rectorate headquarters, the PhD Graduation Day will take place, which is the ceremony for awarding the PhD certificates of the University of Perugia.

The event will open at 10:00 AM with institutional greetings, followed at 10:45 AM by the keynote lecture by Dr. Giuseppe Moscati, President of the Aldo Capitini Study Center Foundation, on the theme “The Paradox of Knowledge: High and Deep Only if Humble.”

At 11:15 AM, the Rector of the University of Perugia, Prof. Maurizio Oliviero, will present the certificates to the new PhD graduates. The ceremony will, of course, conclude with the traditional tossing of the caps.

The ceremony, which will feature musical interludes by the University of Perugia Choir directed by Maestro Marta Alunni Pini, will also be broadcast live on the university's YouTube channel:

The academic community is cordially invited to attend.