Course name Building engineering and architecture
Study-unit Code GP004885
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Fabio Bianconi
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2019
Supplied 2019/20
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code GP004890
Lecturer Fabio Bianconi
  • Fabio Bianconi
  • 81 ore - Fabio Bianconi
Learning activities Base
Area Rappresentazione dell'architettura e dell'ambiente
Sector ICAR/17
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)


Code GP004891
Lecturer Marco Filippucci
  • Marco Filippucci
  • 45 ore - Marco Filippucci
Learning activities Base
Area Rappresentazione dell'architettura e dell'ambiente
Sector ICAR/17
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The laboratory aims to provide expertise on the themes of architectural representation through traditional and digital techniques and tools.
Reference texts Bianconi, F. (2006). Segni Digitali. Perugia: Morlacchi.
Bianconi, F., Verducci, P., & Filippucci, M. (2006). Architetture dal Giappone: disegno, progetto e tecnica. Roma: Gangemi.
de Rubertis, R. (1994). Il disegno dell’architettura. Roma: NIS.
Docci, M., Gaiani, M., & Maestri, D. (2011). Scienza del disegno. Retrieved from
Migliari, R. (2009). Geometria descrittiva. Novara: CittàStudi.
Bianconi, F., Filippucci, M. (2019). Landscape Lab. Drawing, Perception and Design for the Next Landscape Models. Cham. Springer.
Bianconi, F., Filippucci, M. (2019). Digital Wood Design. Innovative Techniques of Representation in Architectural Design. Cham. Springer.
Educational objectives The primary objective is the experimentation of the operative possibilities of the computer tool in the expression of architectural thought.
Prerequisites nothing
Teaching methods Classroom exercise carried out with the support of the teacher, aimed at the acquisition and critical use of traditional and digital drawing techniques and tools.
Other information The aim of the course is to provide the student with critical skills and competences on the themes of architectural representation through traditional and digital techniques and tools.

The course aims to provide the student with the following knowledge:

1. Knowledge of traditional techniques and representation tools.

2. Knowledge of the techniques and tools for the digital representation.

The course aims to provide the student with the following skills:

1. Application of the traditional techniques and tools for the representation of architecture.

2. Application of the digital techniques and tools for the representation of architecture
Learning verification modality Creation of a collection of drawings, developed during the laboratory hours, to be presented for examination
Extended program The program addresses the topics of the course:
Prolusion - Purposes and tools of representation
Introduction - Theory of digital drawing
classroom exercise (SketchUp)
Common genesis of parallel and central projections - Methods of
classroom exercise (CAD)
Elementary graphic constructions
classroom exercise (CAD)
Archs - Graphic rules and conventions for drawing
classroom exercise (CAD)
Rules and graphic conventions for drawing
classroom exercise (CAD)
Monge's orthogonal projections - Conicles
classroom exercise (CAD)
Measure and proportion - Orthogonal and oblique axonometry
classroom exercise (Adobe cs)
Axonometries - Convention - The classical order
classroom exercise (furnishings and minimal spaces)
Pavilion roof - Indirect perspective
classroom exercise (furnishings and minimal spaces)
Direct perspective - Freehand sketch
classroom exercise (rhinoceros)
Accidental Perspective
classroom exercise (Rhinoceros, 3dstudio)
Representation of the territory
classroom exercise (Rhinoceros, 3dstudio)
Building type
classroom exercise - review