International and Industrial PhD Program of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, co-funded within the Department of Excellence Project 2018-2022 (approved by ANVUR in 2019, active cycles XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XL).
Operating Centre: Engineering Campus in Perugia | Course Language: English |
Active cycles: XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XL | Regulation of the course |
Course information leaflet | Extended course description |
International academic partners | Industrial partners |
Coordinator | International Faculty Board |
Didactic Activities | Steering Committe |
Doctoral Students | News and announcements |
Doctors | Calls and Regulations |
Quality Assurance |
Co-funded by the Department of Excellence Project 2018-2022 with the economic support of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), the International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering focuses on timely research topics relating to prevention, prevision and mitigation of natural and anthropic hazards on the built environment, as well as on the design and management of complex infrastructural systems of Civil Engineering, by integrating quantitative approaches based on engineering mathematical models, as well as based on laboratory and field experiments, with the engineering of advanced composite materials and the technologies of digital innovation. Courses are primarily held at the main campus of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Perugia Santa Lucia and in the campus of Pentima in Terni. Advanced courses are also offered in international and national partner institutions as well as in higher education and research centers.
Mission and Goals
The Doctoral Programme promotes a multidisciplinary approach in which the disciplines of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Materials Engineering are naturally complemented by disciplines pertaining to the fields of Environmental Sciences and Product Design. The Doctorate offers courses and seminars focusing on fundamental and applied aspects of Civil and Environmental Engineering, therefore providing the students with a solid scientific background and with the skills and competences needed to compete at an international level in the specific research field and/or to enter in the work market with a high level of professional qualification. Courses are held by members of the board of teachers and by invited internationally acknowledged experts.
The board of teachers of the doctoral programme includes selected professors from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of University of Perugia, as well as international scholars affiliated to the partner institutions of the PhD (i.e. Iowa State University, University of Liege, Technion Israeli Institute of Technology and more). Students are expected to spend an average period of 12 months to carry out research in an international partner institution and develop a joint PhD thesis under the co-supervision of an Italian tutor and a tutor from the partner organization. A particular preference is given to cotutelle programs in which the students earn the PhD title from both University of Perugia and from the partner institution.
Students graduating from the International Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Career Engineering typically find high level positions in Italy or abroad, within academic institutions, research centers, construction firms, public organizations and more. Their working activities are those requiring the ability to solve highly complex and interdisciplinary engineering problems, typically in coordination and management of research activities and technological development, in the industrial sector, in the academic field, in public administration organizations and in freelance professional activities.
Eligible Students
The PhD@DICAPG represents the third level of education for those who have achieved the Master of Science in a field of Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Materials Engineering, Architecture, Physics or similar degree courses in Italy or abroad and who wish to complete their education at a level of excellence
The Doctoral program offers an average of 7 scholarships per year, among which three funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) within the Department of Excellence program and four granted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Additional scholarships may be available focusing on specific targets depending on the funding source (e.g. MSCA-ITN European projects, projects funded by private industries). Two of those scholarships every year are reserved for students who have achieved their MS title from a foreign academic institution. The PhD program offers economic support for research activities of the students including mobility grants.
For specific information, please contact ufficio dottorati or visit the web site
PhD Program Secretariat [contact Segreteria Didattica DICA]