News and announcements



macias seminarOn Monday, December 16th, at 3:00 PM, in the Aula Magna of the Engineering Department at UNIPG and online via the following LINK, Enrique García Macías, Associate Professor at the University of Granada, will present a seminar titled “Statistical Pattern Recognition Tools for SHM: A Roadmap for Scalable Regional Applications to Enhance Climate Change Resilience”.

seminar kamaliOn Monday, December 4th, at 12:30 PM, in Room 16, Dr. Saroosh Kamali, a postodoctoral researcher at the University of Bologna (UNIBO), will hold a seminar titled “Unsupervised and Supervised Approaches for Structural Health Monitoring of Railway Bridges.”

On October 23rd and 24th, the Sixth "CEE PhD Day" of the International Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering will take place. During the event, PhD students from the 38th and 39th cycles will present updates on their research projects to the International Faculty Board. Meanwhile, 37th cycle PhD candidates will showcase the complete results of their doctoral studies, which stem from collaborations between the University of Perugia and various international and industrial partners. The topics covered will span across several fields, including structural analysis, environmental studies, urban planning, architectural composition, design, energy systems, and geotechnics.

The event on October 24th will be highlighted by a plenary lecture from Prof. Mircea Grigoriu (Cornell University, USA) titled "Reliability of random material microstructures," in collaboration with the Vitality project (link:

The Department of Civil Engineering is excited to announce a series of three upcoming seminars this October, featuring renowned experts presenting cutting-edge research on critical topics in the field of engineering and construction.


October 10h 2024, 3:00 p.m., Aula Magna

Prof. Mesquita (Universiad  Federal do Cearà, Brasil)

Titolo: "Digital documentation and information modeling to support risk management of cultural heritage", Flyer [link]

October 14th 2024 , 11:00 a.m. (CET), Aula Magna

Prof. Abdelaziz (Viginia Tech, USA)

Titolo: "Energy geostructures: A micro-to macro-scale perspective", Flyer [link]

Octobe 17th 2024, 12:00 p.m., Aula 16

Prof. Laflamme (Iowa State University, USA)

Titolo: "3D printing for Smart Constructions", Flyer [link]


Don't miss the chance to learn about the latest breakthroughs in civil engineering research! The seminars are open to all students, researchers, and professionals in the field.

1 massimo cuomoOn Tuesday, July 16, at 11:00 AM in the Aula Magna of DICA at UNIPG (and online via the MS Teams platform), Professor Alessandro Palermo, Full Professor at the University of California San Diego (UCSD), USA, will hold a seminar titled "Advancing Seismic Resilience: Insights and Innovations from Recent New Zealand Earthquakes and Future Research Directions."





alessandro palermoOn the same day, at 12:00 PM, Professor Massimo Cuomo from the University of Catania, coordinator of the National PhD program in “Defense Against Natural Risks and Ecological Transition of the Built Environment,” will hold a seminar titled "An objective FE-formulation for finite deformation rods based on the spherical Bézier interpolation with applications to articulated structures."




Flyers for both seminars are attached. It is possible to participate remotely through the MS Teams platform by connecting via the link or scanning the QR codes provided in the respective flyers.

phd24Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 10:00 AM, in the Aula Magna of Palazzo Murena, the Rectorate headquarters, the PhD Graduation Day will take place, which is the ceremony for awarding the PhD certificates of the University of Perugia.

The event will open at 10:00 AM with institutional greetings, followed at 10:45 AM by the keynote lecture by Dr. Giuseppe Moscati, President of the Aldo Capitini Study Center Foundation, on the theme “The Paradox of Knowledge: High and Deep Only if Humble.”

At 11:15 AM, the Rector of the University of Perugia, Prof. Maurizio Oliviero, will present the certificates to the new PhD graduates. The ceremony will, of course, conclude with the traditional tossing of the caps.

The ceremony, which will feature musical interludes by the University of Perugia Choir directed by Maestro Marta Alunni Pini, will also be broadcast live on the university's YouTube channel:

The academic community is cordially invited to attend.

immagine flyerA total of 11 positions are available for admission to the International Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering at our Department, with a significant portion being co-financed by companies under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). We are actively seeking exceptional candidates to conduct both theoretical and applied research on cutting-edge topics referring to the civil and environmental engineering. Here is a summary flyer [link] with the available positions.
The call for applications, notices, and application forms are available at the following link:

phd2024In conclusion of the XXXVI cycle of the International Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering promoted by DICA, doctoral defenses involving five candidates from the present cycle will be held in March, while two additional candidates will hold the defenses in May.  

The invitation is extended to the entire academic community to attend the presentation of the final outcomes of PhD researches in front of external committees composed by experts from the different disciplinary fields. The schedule and modalities of participation are available at the following [link].

siviero 2024On March 8th, 2024 at 14:30 at the Aula Magna of the Engineering Campus of the University of Perugia, Professor Enzo Siviero, formerly Full Professor of Construction Techniques at the IUAV University of Venice, will hold a seminar titled "A Bridge between Engineering and Architecture 1969 - 2023", which will inaugurate an exhibition dedicated to the theme of bridges that will be hosted for 4 weeks in the premises of the Engineering Campus. All interested parties are cordially invited to participate.

The seminar flyer is available at the following [link].

ceephd feb 2024On 1 February from 9:30 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. in the main hall of the Engineering Campus of the University of Perugia and on-line on the Microsoft Teams Platform, the Fifth "CEE_PhD Day" of the DICA International and Industrial Doctorate in "Civil and Environmental Engineering" will be held.

During the day, the PhD students of the XXXVI and XXXIX Cycles will present before the International Faculty Board their research activities carried out at UNIPG in collaboration with numerous international and industrial partners. The schedule of the day with the titles of the speeches is available at the following [link].

prinOn Wednesday, January 24th, at 9:00 AM, the final workshop of the PRIN 2017 Project "DETECT-AGING - Degradation Effects on Structural Safety of Cultural Heritage Constructions through Simulation and Health Monitoring" will take place at the Aula Magna of the Engineering Campus in Perugia (and online via the MS Teams platform).

The project involved the participation of the Universities of Naples "Federico II" (lead institution), Bologna, Genoa, and Perugia.

The poster with the link for remote connection is available [here]. All interested parties are welcome, either in person or online.

On October 12th 2023 at 11:00 a.m. in Aula Magna, Engineering Campus of the University of Perugia, two worldwide acknowledged researchers will give a seminar within the Course “International Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering”.

Professor Simon Laflamme from the Iowa State University (USA), whose research fields mainly cover the areas of smart structures and systems, structural control and structural health monitoring, will give a seminar entitled “Fast Physics-lnformed Machine Learning for High-Rate Structural Health Monitoring”.

The seminar “An lntroduction to Population-Based SHM: When is a Bridge Not an Aeroplane?” given by Professor Keith Worden from the University of Sheffield (UK) will follow. Keith Worden’ research is mainly concerned with applications of advanced signal processing and machine learning methods to structural dynamics, particularly in structural health monitoring and non-linear dynamics.

Flyers of the seminars with a short bio of the speakers and the link to attend the event online are enclosed.

Flyer Seminar prof. LaFlamme [link]

Flyer prof. Seminar Worden [link]

seminario prof. sadhucorso prof. sadhuThe Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering will have the pleasure of hosting prof. Ayan Sadhu who will deliver a course on Structural Health Monitoring based on Data Science techniques (13-27 September) at the same time as the International Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering. The professor will also hold a seminar on September 14th on the topic of Artificial Intelligence-enabled Smart Structural Health Monitoring and Maintenance of Civil Infrastructures.

The professor Sadhu is an associate professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Western University, Canada, with a research focus on facility monitoring (SHM), infrastructure management, next-generation measurement systems and artificial intelligence. He is the director of the Smart Cities and Communities (SCC) lab at Western University. He is the author of over 100 scientific articles with almost 1750 citations according to the Google Scholar source. He has received research funding totaling nearly $3.2 million from various government and industry agencies. He received the Early Researcher Award (ERA) and a five-year research grant from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities for his research on SHM and bridge rehabilitation using next-generation sensors. He was the winner of the Junior Researcher Award from the Faculty of Engineering at Western University. His research was also funded by NSERC, Natural Resources Canada, Mitacs and various industry partners such as North American Palladium, WSP Canada, Canada Masonry Design Center and Conservation Authority. He recently received a CFI-JELF grant from the federal government to establish an SHM laboratory. His algorithms have been successfully implemented for condition assessment of large-scale infrastructure elements such as highway and pedestrian bridges, critical airport facilities, buildings, mining facilities, dams and underground structures around the world.

For further information on timetables and classrooms, see the link (

flyerA total of 21 positions are available for admission to the International Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering at our Department, with a significant portion being co-financed by companies under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). We are actively seeking exceptional candidates to conduct both theoretical and applied research on cutting-edge topics referring to the civil and environmental engineering. Here is a summary flyer [link] with the available positions.The call for applications, notices, and application forms are available at the following link:

seminario roland bol2Prof. Dr. Roland BOL, from Institute of Bio- and Geosciences, Agrosphere, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, will give a seminar at our PhD program on May 23rd at 2:30 pm in AULA MAGNA entitled "Scientifig writing, good papers & bad papers”. You are all warmly invited to participate. Enclosed is the flyer of the seminar.

Teams platform:

(Room 2 - PL_Dott_Civil_Environmental_Engineering)

[Link] to seminar

All interested students are informed that the orientation seminar for the master's degree courses "For another world: Safety Fashion Design" held by Simona Ottieri on May 24th 2022 is brought forward to 9:00 am, room C.

seminar lopezOn May 24th  2022, the Campus of Engineering of the University of Perugia will host the seminar "Sustainable Development Goals and the Hydraulic Engineering", held by prof. dr. Petra Amparo Lopez-Jimenez and prof. dr. Modesto Perez-Sanchez of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial Universitat Politècnica de València, in Valencia - Spain.

It is possible to participate to the streaming's seminar at the following [link].

brochure prof rizzo 2022 v2On April 26th at 16:30 in Room A, Engineering Campus in Perugiaand on MS Teams Platform (Room 1 - PL_Dott_Civil_Environmental_Engineering [link]), Prof Dr Piervincenza Rizzo from University of Pittsburg will give a seminar at our PhD entitled "Selected NDE and SHM applications using solitary waves".

Enclosed is the flyer of the seminar.

You are all welcome to partecipate.

training school 1The first edition of the "CITY-SCALE IMPLEMENTATION OF ENERGY GEOSTRUCTURES (CYCLING)" Training School, held at the Engineering Campus of University of Perugia from 21 to 25 March 2022, ended today. The initiative, coordinated by Diana Salciarini (Associate Professor of Geotechnical Engineering) and Anna Laura Pisello (Associate Professor of Building Physics) was organized within the International Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering together with Université Gustave Eiffel (France), Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech (France) and NTNU (Norway), supported by funding from iSite Future. The Training School, aimed at exploring different aspects related to Energy Geostructures, with contributions from both academic and industrial sectors, saw the participation of 30 PhD students from all over the world and 10 internationally acknowledged speakers.

[Program of the training school]

 training school 2  trainig school 3

phdgusellaOn January 25th at 11:30 am in Room 15, Engineering Campus in Perugia, and on MS Teams Platform (Room 1 - PL_Dott_Civil_Environmental_Engineering), Dr Federico Gusella from University of Florence will give a seminar at our PhD entitled “Earthquake-resistant thin-walled coldformed steel structures (the structural response of steel connections and concentric bracing systems)”. Enclosed is the flyer of the seminar. You are all welcome to participate.

immagine 2nd phd dayThe Second “CEE_PhD Day” of the DICA International and Industrial Doctoral Program in “Civil and Environmental Engineering” will be held on October 28th from 9:30 am to 6:15 pm (CET) on Microsoft Teams Platform. During the day, the students of the XXXV and XXXVI Cycles will present their research activities carried out at UNIPG in collaboration with various international and industrial partners in front of the International Faculty Board. The program of the day with the titles of the speeches is available [here].

The direct link to the meeting is provided below:

The results for the public selection for admission to the International Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering have been published XXXVII cycle, AY 2021-2022. The results are available at the following [link].

locandina workshop cesariOn Friday march 26th, from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm on Team platform an online workshop will take place with the title: Legacy of Lamberto Cesari in building new scientific synergies.

The flyer of the workshop is available [here], while the detailed program is available at the following link:

1st cee phd day october 2020 1The 1st final Year meeting the International PhD Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering will take place on Monday October 26th 2020 at 2:00 pm on Teams platform. The schedule of the meeting is available [here].



The results of the selection of the applicants to the Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering XXXVI Cycle, AY 2020-2021 have been published at the following link:


Dr. Stefano Mariani, research associate at Imperial College (UK), will give a seminar at the CEEPhD_UNIPG entitled "Automated Analysis of Ultrasonic Signals in NDE and SHM via Data-Driven Statistical Methods and Deep Learning", on Sept 18th at 12:00 (CET). The seminar will be online and delivered through TEAMS platform (Team: PL_Dott_Civil_Environmental_Engineering – Aula Didattica 1). The flyer of the seminary is available [here]. All interested students and Colleagues are welcome.
