Course name Building engineering and architecture
Study-unit Code GP003199
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Emanuela Speranzini
CFU 10
Course Regulation Coorte 2019
Supplied 2020/21
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code GP003211
Lecturer Giuseppe Saccomandi
  • Giuseppe Saccomandi
  • 64 ore - Giuseppe Saccomandi
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline matematiche per l'architettura
Sector MAT/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Classical Mechanics of Points and Rigid-Bodies with special emphasise on Statics
Reference texts Biscari, P., Ruggeri, T., Saccomandi, G., & Vianello, M. (2015). Meccanica razionale (Vol. 93). Springer.
Educational objectives The ability to solve problems about the statics of free and constrained systems.
Prerequisites Calculus and general Physics.
Teaching methods Classical
Other information None
Learning verification modality Written and oral examination
Extended program Geometry, trigonometry and vector algebra: vector algebra in three dimensions using different bases, length, addition and multiplication of vectors, inner product and cross product. The properties of the inner product and the vector product, geometric and physical interpretations, rules of differentiation for vector functions, differentiation of coordinates and basis vectors in different coordinate systems. Curves, area elements, volume elements.
Applications of statics and geometry: force, torque.
The kinematics of particles in different coordinate systems, cartesian-, normal and tangential- as well as polar coordinates.
The dynamics of particles: force, linear momentum, impulse, torque, angular momentum, angular impulse, Newton's laws.
Particle systems, center of mass, Euler's law for the movement of the the center of mass. Mass flows, the rocket equation.
Work and energy. Energy relations. Gradient.
Accelerated reference frames.
The development of the mechanics. Kepler's laws. Short introduction to oscillatory motion.
Models for the motion of objects with applications.


Code GP003210
Lecturer Emanuela Speranzini
  • Emanuela Speranzini
  • 45 ore - Emanuela Speranzini
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Analisi e progettazione strutturale per l'architettura
Sector ICAR/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Rigid body. Beams and systems of beams with straight axis and curved-axis.
-cinematic behaviour, - - static behaviour
-equilibrium equations
-diagrams of the axial force, shear force and bending moment. Truss beams. Principe of virtual work for rigid body.
Reference texts Main book:“Statica –Fondamenti di meccanica strutturale” E. Guarenti, F. Buccino, E. Garavaglia, G. Novati, - Mac Graw Hill.
Other suggested books: “Lezioni di Scienza delle Costruzioni”, G. Menditto, - Pitagora
“Esercitazioni di Scienza delle Costruzioni”, E. Viola – Pitagora – vol.1
Educational objectives The main objective is to give students the basis for dealing with the study the structural systems which consist of straight axis beams, in static equilibrium. The student will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge for the resolution of isostatic structures.
The main skill will be the analysis of kinematic and static behavior of one-dimensional systems, the determination of the internal forces (axial force, shear force, and bending moment).
Prerequisites The knowledge acquired at Analysis I, Physics and Geometry courses is necessary.
Teaching methods Theoretical and practical lectures. Classroom exercises are planned so that students can check the level of learning they have achieved.
Learning verification modality A written exam concerning the resolution of an isostatic structure (in the time of 2 hours) and a subsequent oral test on all the topics covered in the course.
It is necessary to reach the vote of 18/30 for admission to the oral test.
The completeness of the answer, the argumentative rigor and the ownership of language will be assessed.
Extended program Rigid body. Finite and infinitesimal rigid displacements.
Beams and systems of beams with straight axis:
-types of support
-types of loads
-statically determinate beams: linear axis beams and curved beams
-cinematic behaviour, static behaviour
-equilibrium equations
-diagrams of the axial force, shear force and bending moment