Course name | Building engineering and architecture |
Study-unit Code | A001132 |
Curriculum | Comune a tutti i curricula |
Lecturer | Anna Laura Pisello |
CFU | 12 |
Course Regulation | Coorte 2019 |
Supplied | 2021/22 |
Supplied other course regulation | |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |
Type of learning activities | Attività formativa integrata |
Partition |
Code | A001130 |
CFU | 6 |
Lecturer | Anna Laura Pisello |
Lecturers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Base |
Area | Discipline fisico-tecniche ed impiantistiche per l'architettura |
Sector | ING-IND/11 |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |
Language of instruction | Italian (available teaching material in English if needed by international students) |
Contents | Knowledge and technical-quantitative capacity on the following topics: Energy, energy transfer and energy analysis. Pure substances. Closed systems. Control volumes and mass conservation. Second law of thermodynamics. Entropy. Mixtures of gas and steam, atmospheric air. Heat transmission: conduction, convection and radiation. |
Reference texts | Notes curated by the lecturer and freely distributed to scholars, plus integration in the book Fisica tecnica ambientale, con elementi di Acustica e illuminotecnica – McGrawHill – Y. Cengel, G. Dall’ò, L. Sarto |
Educational objectives | Knowledge and technical-quantitative capacity on the following topics: Energy, energy transfer and energy analysis. Pure substances. Closed systems. Control volumes and mass conservation. Second law of thermodynamics. Entropy. Mixtures of gas and steam, atmospheric air. Heat transmission: conduction, convection and radiation. |
Prerequisites | Basic knowledge of maths and classic physics. |
Teaching methods | Class lessons and exercises for applied problems |
Other information | Availability of the lecturer by email and by appointment (on Teams or in person) |
Learning verification modality | Written and oral exam. Application laboratory to be performed in groups. |
Extended program | 1. Thermodynamics: Basic concepts and definitions. 2. The First Principle of Thermodynamics. 3. The Second Principle of Thermodynamics. Reversible and irreversible processes. 4. Open Systems (mass balance, energy, entropy). 5. Single-component simple systems and diagram (p, v). Liquids. 6. Saturated vapors. 7. Overheated vapors. 8. Ideal gases. 9. Real gases. 10. Thermodynamic diagrams (T, s), (h, s), (ph) and (T, h). 11. Steam power cycles. Refrigerator cycle. 12. Motion of compressible fluids. 15. Gas mixtures. 16. Perfect gas mixtures. 17. Foundations of psychrometry. 18. Heat exchange by conduction. Fourier's law. Fourier equation. 19. The heat exchange by convection. Natural convection. Forced convection. 20. Radiative heat exchange. 21. The global heat transfer coefficient. 22. The heat exchangers. The average logarithmic temperature. 23. Thermohygrometric comfort: thermohygrometric balance of the human body; the indices of comfort (direct, derivative and empirical). 24. Causes of local discomfort. 25. Comfort diagrams and normative references. 26. Indoor air quality: main pollutants; sick building syndrome; filtration systems. |
Code | A001133 |
CFU | 6 |
Lecturer | Anna Laura Pisello |
Lecturers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Sector | ING-IND/11 |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Reference texts | Lecture notes by the teacher. Air conditioning and conditioning systems - Cinzia Buratti - Morlacchi publisher, 2015. (in Italian, Impianti di climatizzazione e condizionamento - Cinzia Buratti - Morlacchi editore, 2015.) |
Educational objectives | The course provides fundamental knowledge on energy-environmental applied to construction and is aimed at the development of skills and design skills in the field of thermo-physical behavior of buildings, with a focus on the quantitative aspects of the project of efficient, comfortable and sustainable buildings and special attention to the evaluation of the quality requirements of the internal environment (thermoigrometric comfort and air quality), to guide the student towards the sizing of building-plant systems. The course consists of lectures, numerical/design exercises (which will be carried out in the classroom and/or in laboratories) and experimental exercises in real buildings being studied. The student will be called to know the main types of systems for civil construction, starting from the occupant-centered approach of the building in terms of multi-physical thermal and environmental well-being. In particular, technical and regulatory aspects related to the energy efficiency of the building system system, innovative materials for the building envelope will be studied in depth, in order to then address technological issues such as: thermal and electrical systems, the main lighting systems, systems powered by renewable energy sources (electric solar, solar thermal, low enthalpy geothermal) up to the thermal and electric storage). Dimensioning techniques will then be illustrated and implemented through the application project which will be conducted through more advanced stationary, quasi-stationary and dynamic analysis methods. The project will therefore start from the analysis of the loads and will allow the student to deal independently with the main strategies for improving energy efficiency also in light of the most recent national and European regulations, including energy and environmental certifications and in the life cycle perspective and carbon footprint. Knowledge of the bases for designing energy production plants (electrical, thermal and cooling) also powered by renewable sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal and biomass) and through the use of energy storage techniques. Acquisition of currently available energy and environmental certification tools and minimum environmental requirements. |
Prerequisites | Basic knowledge of mathematics and physics. Basics of applied physics. |
Teaching methods | Frontal lesson, practical exercises, application laboratory and project. |
Other information | - |
Learning verification modality | Written and oral exam (with the possibility of partial written exemption), Delivery of project documents and critical discussion. |
Extended program | THERMAL LOADS. Internal and external design conditions and calculation of summer and winter thermal loads. Energy needs of buildings and systems. Tools and methodologies for energy saving and energy efficiency. Heating, air conditioning and conditioning systems. Plant classification: main types, selection criteria, advantages and disadvantages of the available solutions. TRADITIONAL SOURCE PLANTS. Design criteria. Description and sizing of the main constituents. Cooling and thermal energy production systems. Heat generators: types, main characteristics and performance parameters. Refrigerating machines: operating principle, types, main characteristics and performance parameters. Heat pumps: operating principle, types, main characteristics and performance parameters. Sizing of refrigeration machines and heat generators. Combined production systems for electricity, heat and cooling. Generation and trigeneration from conventional sources (outline). RENEWABLE SOURCE PLANTS. Definition and classification of renewable energy sources. Worldwide, European and national diffusion: current scenario and development prospects. Solar power. Characteristics of solar energy. Photovoltaics: photovoltaic conversion, photovoltaic cells and modules; components and design of a photovoltaic system. Solar thermal: types of collectors and efficiencies; characteristics of the main components of a solar thermal system; sizing of systems for the production of domestic hot water and for heating integration. Thermodynamic solar: classification of concentration systems; working fluids, thermal storage tanks and sizing of a solar power plant. Wind energy: wind characteristics, frequency distribution, vertical profile; Betz theory and maximum power of a wind turbine; power coefficient, construction and control aspects; estimate of annual energy production; technical-economic analysis and environmental impact. Hydroelectric energy: estimate of the theoretical electric power that can be produced; classification and characteristics of hydroelectric plants; types of hydraulic turbines. Geothermal energy: characteristics of the subsoil and geothermal resources; heat pumps and geothermal probes: types and sizing. Energy from biomass: classification and characterization of biomasses; thermochemical processes (combustion and gasification); biochemical processes (anaerobic digestion); vegetable oil extraction; main cogeneration technologies. Energy storage: discontinuity of renewable sources, peaks of energy consumption and the concept of energy storage; sensitive, latent and thermochemical thermal storage (operating principles, basic materials and applications); electrical chemical (hydrogen), electrochemical (batteries), electrical (supercapacitors) and mechanical (flywheels, compressed air or hydroelectric basins) storage. ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATION. Energy efficiency in buildings: main definitions; thermal bridges, transmittance and thermo-hygrometric verification; main energy retrofit methodologies; energy certification; dynamic simulation. Environmental sustainability: life cycle analysis, main environmental certifications (type I, II and III), minimum environmental criteria (CAM). |