Course name Building engineering and architecture
Study-unit Code GP003198
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Marco Petrini Elce
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2020
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code GP003209
Lecturer Riccardo Liberotti
  • Riccardo Liberotti
  • 45 ore - Riccardo Liberotti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Teorie e tecniche per il restauro architettonico
Sector ICAR/19
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course, in synergy with the theory module and supplemented by seminars, is divided into theoretical lectures, design reviews and group exercises.
A philological approach to the restoration project is proposed through the methodological analysis of consolidated and emerging strategies in the field of valorization and protection of the built heritage.
Borrowing historical research, architectural survey, and critical analysis of material and structural degradation, the contents necessary to ground the possible design choices within an ethically connoted horizon are thus provided.
Reference texts Nardi, G., Le Nuove radici antiche. Saggio sulla questione delle tecniche esecutive in architettura, Milano, Franco Angeli, 1994.
Carbonara, G., Trattato di Restauro Architettonico (voll. 1-4), Torino, Utet, 2004.
Torsello, B.P., Musso, S.F., Tecniche di restauro architettonico. Torino, Utet, 2003.
Cucco, F., Statica e consolidamento degli edifici storici, Palermo, Grafill, 2008.
Ischia, U., La città giusta. Idee di piano e atteggiamenti etici, a cura di Monica Bianchettin Del Grano. Con scritti di Bernardo Secchi e Kaveh Rashidzadeh, pp. XVIII-160, Roma, Donzelli Editore, 2012.
Vinci, M., Metodi di calcolo e tecniche di consolidamento per edifici in Muratura, Palermo, Dario Flaccovio Editore, 2022.
Marino, L., Interventi di restauro sui ruderi. La protezione delle creste murarie, Firenze, Didapress, 2023.
Conforti, C., Dulio, R., Quilici, S., L'Appia è moderna. Ediz. Illustrata, Milano, Electa, 2024

Further bibliographical references will be indicated for the various exercises planned.
The training materials are also available on the UniStudium platform.
Educational objectives Acquisition of suitable theoretical and technical skills for the critical analysis of the genesis (e.g., ancient and modern treatises, phases of archival research, etc.) and the of the actual state of the built heritage (e.g., direct and indirect survey methods and tools, non-destructive diagnostics, etc.).
Knowledge and ability to design restoration interventions according to traditional and innovative techniques and to evaluate the eventual outcomes in terms of effectiveness, reversibility and architectural compatibility.
Capacity to identify the fundamental interactions between the aforementioned activities, in a metadesign conceptual framework, and the critical aspects related to material and structural degradation related to real case studies of high cultural and historical value.
Development of the architectural sensibility and cultural background, proper of the restoration field, aimed at the elaboration of correct intervention strategies that, with an interdisciplinary approach, able to harmonize the up-to-date requirements in terms of safety and accessibility and the needs connected to safeguard, use and valorization of the built environment.
Prerequisites History of Architecture. Architectural composition. Architectural survey.
Principles of solid mechanics and basic concepts connected to Building science.
Teaching methods Face-to-face lectures, individual practical exercises and a group project exercise, with punctual in-depth seminars.
Other information Attendance to classes is optional but strongly recommended.
Learning verification modality The oral test, which lasts approximately 45 minutes, is aimed at verifying the student's level of knowledge of topics and case studies covered in the course and her or his or ability to fully understand and synthesize them. The competence in presenting the issues addressed, their inter-relationships and the possible interventions will also be assessed, with particular reference to the student's personal contribution in treating the project work developed in group on the theme of the year.
Extended program Introduction to the restoration project in history and contemporaneity.
Critical analysis of the context and actual state of a heritage building.
Historical-iconographic and archival research methods in the path of knowledge.
Recalls of architectural survey with reference to complex architectures.
Methodologies and instruments, applied to real case studies for the diagnostics, non-invasive investigation and material survey of masonry textures.
Principles of mechanics of masonry buildings and arched structures.
Damage mechanisms and crack patterns in relation to seismic assessments, numerical modelling and traditional and new consolidation techniques.
Analysis of material degradation, with particular attention to the phenomenology tied to different stone materials, their properties and architectural role.
Materials and techniques for the conservative restoration of masonry members, decorations and architectural surfaces in a cause-effect relationship.
Contemporary paradigms for a sustainable construction industry through virtuous examples of restoration, reuse and management of cultural heritage.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Sustainable cities and communities.


Code GP003208
Lecturer Marco Petrini Elce
  • Marco Petrini Elce
  • 81 ore - Marco Petrini Elce
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Teorie e tecniche per il restauro architettonico
Sector ICAR/19
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The teaching, in synergy with the laboratory module and integrated with seminars, is divided into theoretical lessons, classroom reviews and group design exercises.
An initial approach is proposed focused on the history and theory of architectural restoration which, starting from the Renaissance, reaches the latest contemporary theories through the analysis of emerging schools in the field of valorization and conservation of built heritage. In the second part of the course, a case study is examined on which the historical critical analysis activity is carried out aimed at the restoration project of the property.
Reference texts Carbonara G., Approach to Restoration. Naples, Liguori publisher
Torsello B.P., Musso, S.F., Architectural restoration techniques. Turin, Utet publisher , 2003.
Baldini U., Restoration Theory. Florence, Nardini 1982
Ceschi C., Theory and History of Restoration. Bulzoni publisher 1957
Zevi L., The Manual of Architectural Restoration, Rome. Mancosu publisher 2001
Rocchi P., Treatise on Consolidation. Rome, Mancosu 2001
Docci m., Maestri D., The architectural survey. Bari, Laterza publisher 1982
Brandi C., Restoration Theory. Rome, La Nave di Teseo publisher 2022
Further bibliographical insights will be indicated for the various planned exercises.
The teaching materials are also made available on the UniStudium platform.
Educational objectives Acquisition of suitable general skills on the history and theory of architectural restoration,
Development of adequate critical capacity aimed at a correct analysis of the historical genesis and the actual state of the building.
Knowledge and design mastery deduced from a careful historical-critical analysis of the work to be restored.
Development of the ability to listen to the context in its historical-cultural process.
Identification of the correct language of contemporary grafts to be included in the restoration project.
Development of adequate sensitivity to coherently fit into the delicate relationship between conservation and innovation.
Acquisition of suitable general skills on the valorisation of cultural heritage.
Prerequisites Architecture history. Architectural composition. Architectural survey methods.
Teaching methods Lectures, individual practical exercises and a group design exercise, including timely in-depth seminars.
Other information Attendance optional but strongly recommended.
Learning verification modality The oral test, lasting approximately 45 minutes, is aimed at verifying the level of knowledge of the topics and case studies covered by the course and the ability to understand and summarize achieved by the student. The competence in explaining the issues addressed, their interrelationships and possible interventions will also be assessed with particular reference to the student's personal contribution in dealing with the project work drawn up in a group on the year's theme.
Extended program History of architectural restoration
Theory of architectural restoration
Introduction to the restoration project in history and in the contemporary through the presentation of the works of the greatest exponents of the national/international scene.
Study of historical surfaces, including plaster and stone.
Museum displays
Critical analysis of the context and state of affairs of an asset.
Architectural survey references and necessary in-depth analysis relating to complex artefacts with related field exercises, with suitable instrumentation.
The contemporary architectural restoration project, from concept to metric calculation
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Sustainable cities and communities.