Course name Building engineering and architecture
Study-unit Code A002290
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Paolo Belardi
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code A002291
Lecturer Paolo Belardi
  • Paolo Belardi
  • Massimiliano Valdinoci (Codocenza)
  • 45 ore - Paolo Belardi
  • 9 ore (Codocenza) - Massimiliano Valdinoci
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Progettazione architettonica e urbana
Sector ICAR/14
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian.
Contents The course, which is supplemented by specialized seminars, is divided into lectures and exercises in a project.
Reference texts Carlo Aymonino, Il significato delle città, Marsilio, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari 1975.
Gianfranco Caniggia, Composizione architettonica e tipologia edilizia, Marsilio, Venezia 1999.
Gian Carlo Leoncilli Massi, La leggenda del comporre, Alinea, Firenze 2002.
Giò Ponti, Amate l’architettura, Società Editrice Cooperativa, Milano 2004.
Franco Purini, Comporre l’architettura, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari 2000.
Ludovico Quaroni, Progettare un edificio. Otto lezioni di architettura, Mazzotta, Milano 1977.
Aldo Rossi, L’architettura della città, Marsilio, Venezia 1966.
Aldo Rossi, Autobiografia scientifica, Pratiche Editrice, Milano 1999.
Francesco Venezia, La natura poetica dell’architettura, Giavedoni, Pordenone 2010.
Educational objectives The course has set itself the objective of providing students with the tools to control the modifications of architectural systems simple.The course aims to provide students with the following knowledge.1. Knowledge of traditional design techniques.2. Knowledge of innovative design techniques.The course aims to provide students with the following skills.1. Know how to apply the techniques in the control of traditional design modifications of architectural systems simple.2. Know how to apply the innovative design techniques in the control of the modifications of architectural systems simple.
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of architecture drawing and architecture history.
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons in the classroom on the topics of teaching supplemented by specialized seminars. Periodic reviews processing project in the classroom.
Other information None.
Learning verification modality The exam consists of an individual oral test and the presentation of a project realized in a group. The test aims at assuring the level of knowledge and understanding, as well as synthesis, achieved by the student.
Extended program The course, which is supplemented by seminar initiatives aimed at deepening the concept of architectural design as a system of theoretical-critical than technical and scientific need for understanding and transformation of the physical space, is divided into lectures and exercises in a project.The lectures are divided into three training units: the theoretical framework (elementary principles), themes (layouts conventional), the new themes (layouts unconventional). The tutorial project covers a topic at the building assigned by the teacher.


Code A002292
Lecturer Eliana Martinelli
  • Eliana Martinelli
  • 45 ore - Eliana Martinelli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Progettazione architettonica e urbana
Sector ICAR/14
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian.
Contents The course, which is supplemented by specialized seminars, is divided into lectures and exercises in a project.
Reference texts Carlo Aymonino, Il significato delle città, Marsilio, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari 1975.
Gianfranco Caniggia, Composizione architettonica e tipologia edilizia, Marsilio, Venezia 1999.
Gian Carlo Leoncilli Massi, La leggenda del comporre, Alinea, Firenze 2002.
Giò Ponti, Amate l’architettura, Società Editrice Cooperativa, Milano 2004.
Franco Purini, Comporre l’architettura, Editori Laterza, Roma-Bari 2000.
Ludovico Quaroni, Progettare un edificio. Otto lezioni di architettura, Mazzotta, Milano 1977.
Aldo Rossi, L’architettura della città, Marsilio, Venezia 1966.
Aldo Rossi, Autobiografia scientifica, Pratiche Editrice, Milano 1999.
Francesco Venezia, La natura poetica dell’architettura, Giavedoni, Pordenone 2010.
Educational objectives The course has set itself the objective of providing students with the tools to control the modifications of architectural systems simple.The course aims to provide students with the following knowledge.1. Knowledge of traditional design techniques.2. Knowledge of innovative design techniques.The course aims to provide students with the following skills.1. Know how to apply the techniques in the control of traditional design modifications of architectural systems simple.2. Know how to apply the innovative design techniques in the control of the modifications of architectural systems simple.
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of architecture drawing and architecture history.
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons in the classroom on the topics of teaching supplemented by specialized seminars. Periodic reviews processing project in the classroom.
Other information None.
Learning verification modality The exam consists of an individual oral test and the presentation of a project realized in a group. The test aims at assuring the level of knowledge and understanding, as well as synthesis, achieved by the student.
Extended program The course, which is supplemented by seminar initiatives aimed at deepening the concept of architectural design as a system of theoretical-critical than technical and scientific need for understanding and transformation of the physical space, is divided into lectures and exercises in a project.The lectures are divided into three training units: the theoretical framework (elementary principles), themes (layouts conventional), the new themes (layouts unconventional). The tutorial project covers a topic at the building assigned by the teacher.


Code A001095
Lecturer Marco Fornaciari Da Passano
  • Marco Fornaciari Da Passano
  • 45 ore - Marco Fornaciari Da Passano
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector BIO/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Reference texts
GIORGI D., 2009 - Il giardino: manuale di progettazione: componenti del giardino, realizzazione, manutenzione.
Palermo: Flaccovio Editore, ISBN: 978-88-7758-855-5

CORRADO M., 2012 - Manuale del verde in architettura. Progettazione, realizzazione e manutenzione del verde tradizionale e tecnico in architettura. Editore: Wolters Kluwer Milano (ottobre 2012). ISBN-10: 8867500457, ISBN-13: 978-8867500451
Educational objectives
Plant morphology (shape, dimension, poise, colors and funzionality) for usign the different kind of green typologies and bio architecture.
Implementing urban green management strategies aimed at climate change mitigation.
Knowledges of plant biology
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and pratical excercises.
Other information
February 2023-May 2023
Learning verification modality
Oral examinations
Extended program
Morphology, shape, dimension and functionality of the plants. Plants for ornamental and bio-architecture uses.
The urban heat island effect - Climate change and the urban ecosystem - What is an urban ecosystem - Trees in the urban ecosystem (types and shapes). Environmental results of an European project LIFE_CLIVUT (LIFE18 GIC/IT/001217)