Course name Building engineering and architecture
Study-unit Code 70051209
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Pier Riccardo Porceddu
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code 70151203
Lecturer Pier Riccardo Porceddu
  • Pier Riccardo Porceddu
  • 45 ore - Pier Riccardo Porceddu
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline tecnologiche per l'architettura e la produzione edilizia
Sector ICAR/11
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Reading, interpretation and application of region list of costs to build. The metric calculation and the new prices. Use of some free software
Reference texts Papers distributed by teacher
Educational objectives The student must have knowledge of all the different operations carried out on construction site and also be able to follow their evolution during the construction of the work. He must know the machines and tools used in the various operations, as he must be able to direct the work on construction site. He must be able to discern the costs necessary for the work and for safety
Prerequisites There are no previous exams, however knowledge of basic concepts of the subjects carried out in previous years is recommended, in order to facilitate the understanding and learning of the course contents
Teaching methods The teaching method used will consist of classroom lectures, to illustrate the topics covered. In this regard, papers will be distributed by the teacher to facilitate learning. However, more space, compared to the lesson hours, will be given to the exercises that will consist in the preparation of a graphic design, representing a real construction site, with the indication of the different areas, as well as a metric calculation with an indication of the costs for the building
Other information For further information you can contact the teacher via e_mail
Learning verification modality The assessment of the learning will be carried out with an oral exam lasting about 40 minutes, aimed to establish the level of knowledge of the subjects. The starting point of the exam will always be represented by the discussion of the graphic plan prepared by the student during the course.
Extended program The regional price list: reading, interpretation and application. The metric estimate and the new prices. Use of some free software


Code 70051208
Lecturer Pier Riccardo Porceddu
  • Pier Riccardo Porceddu
  • 54 ore - Pier Riccardo Porceddu
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline tecnologiche per l'architettura e la produzione edilizia
Sector ICAR/11
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The building process and the actors.
The legislation on public works.
The estimate metric calculation.
The materials present on construction site.
The testing.
The waste materials.
Construction machinery
Reference texts Papers distributed by teacher
Educational objectives The student must have knowledge of all the different operations carried out on construction site and also be able to follow their evolution during the construction of the work. He must know the machines and tools used in the various operations, as he must be able to direct the work on construction site. He must be able to discern the costs necessary for the work and for safety. He must know the process to be able to create a building
Prerequisites There are no previous exams, however knowledge of basic concepts of the subjects carried out in previous years is recommended, in order to facilitate the understanding and learning of the course contents
Teaching methods The teaching method used will consist of classroom lectures, to illustrate the topics covered. In this regard, papers will be distributed by the teacher to facilitate learning. Some lectures will be organized on specific topics by external speakers
Other information For further information you can contact the teacher via e_mail
Learning verification modality The assessment of the learning will be carried out with an oral exam lasting about 40 minutes, aimed to establish the level of knowledge of the subjects and the achievement of the training objectives
Extended program The building process and the actors. Types of building works, permissions to build.
The public offices to present the projects, examples of the design process in the Umbria Region.
Professional Orders, the competences of different subjects and the reform of Orders.
The legislation on public works. The progress of the works. Characterization of companies and different subjects
involved in public works.
Delivery, suspension, resumption and completion reports.
The estimate metric calculation and the regional price list.
Steel and concrete for structural uses. Ordering and purchasing materials.
The taking of samples to be subjected to destructive tests, the reference legislation and the instruments.
The concrete casting in place, the constipation and the protection after the casting. Durability and exposure classes.
Bricks: types and characteristics.
Wood for structural use: types and characteristics.
Structural testing, load tests.
The waste materials from the construction site, transport and disposal.
Construction machinery.
Occupational safety and health, the people involved. The security and coordination plans. The personal protective structures. The risks of falling from above and the lifelines. Scaffolding and machines. Lifting devices. Other machines