Course name | Building engineering and architecture |
Study-unit Code | A002374 |
Curriculum | Comune a tutti i curricula |
Lecturer | Marco Breccolotti |
CFU | 12 |
Course Regulation | Coorte 2021 |
Supplied | 2024/25 |
Supplied other course regulation | |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |
Type of learning activities | Attività formativa integrata |
Partition |
Code | A002375 |
CFU | 6 |
Lecturer | Ilaria Venanzi |
Lecturers |
Hours |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Notes of seismology. Dynamics of systems. Seismic analysis: static and dynamic, linear and nonlinear. Earthquake-resistant systems. Building system. Code prescriptions. Zoning. Principles of earthquake-resistant design. R/C elements. Design laboratory. |
Reference texts | Material and specific bibliography from the teacher. Castellani A., Faccioli E. "Costruzioni in zona sismica". Hoepli. Parducci A. "Fondamenti di ingegneria sismica in 80 lezioni". Liguori. In depth books: Chopra A. "Dynamic of structures: theory and application to earthquake engineering ". Prentice Hall. 1995. Bozorgnia Y., Bertero V.V. "Earthquake Engineering". CRC Press. |
Educational objectives | The module illustrates the dynamic and static, linear and non linear, methods of seismic analysis; the seismic-resistant structural schemes; the code provisions for constructions in seismic areas; the construction details of r/c elements. A specific teaching unit is devoted to develop a guided and assisted assessment of an existing structure or the design of a new structure. The expected learning outcomes are listed in the following. The main acquired knowledge will be: • knowledge of the methods for the analysis of structures subjected to earthquakes; • knowledge of the behavior of basic structural schemes for the resistance to lateral actions; • knowledge of prescriptions of Italian and European codes concerning general aspects and detailing in the design of r/c seismo-resistant costructions; • knowledge of the basic principles of the seismic protection of structures (resistance, redundancy, resilience, ductility, capacity design). The main acquired skills, intended as abilities to apply knowledge and to critically adopt the most appropriate approach, will be: • ability to select and apply the appropriate approach for the assessment of the consequences of the seismic action on a construction, with awareness of the significance and the values of the involved parameters and the quantities ; • ability to select and apply a behavior model of a structural scheme aimed at interpreting the seismic-resistant capacity of the structure with reference to the performance expectations in the event of an earthquake; • ability to select and apply the provisions of the relevant codes in the design of a construction in earthquake prone area and to translate them into construction configurations of detail; • ability to choose and design a suitable seismic-resistant structural system for the seismic safety of a construction. |
Prerequisites | For the comprehension of the contents of the course and for the achievement of the provided educational objectives the following knowledge are required: •Mathematical Analysis: derivation and integration techniques; elementary differential equations. •Physics and Analytical Mechanics: vector calculus; equilibrium equations. •Strength of Materials and Structural Design: elements of strength of materials; static analysis of isostatic and hyperstatic structures (forces method and displacements method); methods of assessment of r/c elements; code prescriptions for the design and the verification of r/c elements. |
Teaching methods | Theoretical lessons and practical training |
Learning verification modality | The verification of the educational objectives of the course is based on an oral exam. Within the oral exam the student will also illustrate reports and drawings developed in the design laboratory (practical training). The oral exam consists of a discussion lasting no more than about 40 minutes to determine: (a) the correctness, completeness and accuracy of the document developed in the design laboratory (practical training); (b) the level of knowledge of the theoretical and methodological contents of the course; (c) the level of competence in exposing the possible technical solutions of problems concerning modeling and solution of seismic-resistant structural schemes, dimensioning and checking of structural components stressed by the effect of seismic actions in the elastic and post-elastic range; (d) the independence of judgment in proposing the most appropriate approach for each application, with the full awareness of the simplifying assumptions adopted in the different modeling of structure and seismic action, the physical meaning of the involved parameters, the level of uncertainty of the obtained results; (e) the student's ability to expose with property of language the topics proposed by the commission, to support a dialectical relationship during the discussion, and to summarize the results of application of studied theories. The final evaluation will be carried out by the Commission in thirtieths on the basis of the oral exam result. |
Extended program | Elements of seismology: Causes and mechanisms of the earthquakes. Seismic waves. Intensity of the earthquake: macro-scales, magnitude, energy, intensity. Hazard, vulnerability, risk. Dynamics of systems: Notes of structural dynamics: seismic dynamics of SDOF systems. Response spectra. Code elastic response spectra. Dynamics of MDOF systems; modal analysis. Equivalent static analysis. Codes for seismic analysis. Nonlinear seismic behaviour: Equation of motion of EP SDOF system. Ductility, ductility demand and capacity. Anelastic response spectra. Behaviour coefficient. Nonlinear dynamic analysis. Nonlinear static analysis. Capacity spectra. Seismic code: Italian seismic code. References to Eurocode. Seismic zoning. Historical seismology. Micro-zoning. Performance Based Seismic Design. Analysis of building system: redistribution of lateral forces, center of mass and stiffness, torsion actions. Principles of seismic design of a building: Configurations and earthquake-resistant systems. Load analysis, static analysis, modal analysis. Structural morphology and behaviour factor for types of earthquake-resistant systems. Non-structural elements. Seismic design of structures: R/C buildings: typical damage; ductility mechanisms; capacity design; structural detailing. Design laboratory: Development of the seismic design/assessment of a r/c building. Design/verification of the structural elements. Capacity design. |
CFU | 3 |
Lecturer | Ilaria Venanzi |
CFU | 3 |
Lecturer | Ilaria Venanzi |
Code | A001152 |
CFU | 6 |
Lecturer | Marco Breccolotti |
Lecturers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Analisi e progettazione strutturale per l'architettura |
Sector | ICAR/09 |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | The module consists of two teaching units. The first teaching unit deals with the topic of structural safety, with reference also to the current regulations on the subject. The second unit deals with the structural design of reinforced concrete structures. Classroom exercises are also planned to apply the theoretical concepts seen during the theoretical lecture hours to simple structural problems. |
Reference texts | Edoardo Cosenza, E., Manfredi, G., Pecce, M., Strutture in cemento armato. Basi della progettazione, Hoepli Radogna, E. F., Tecnica delle Costruzioni", Vol. 2, Zanichelli Giangreco, E., Teoria e tecnica delle costruzioni, Vol. I, Liguori editore |
Educational objectives | The module aims at providing the theoretical and normative references for the use in industrial and civil constructions of structural concrete. |
Prerequisites | In order to be able to understand and apply the majority of the techniques described within the Course, you must have successfully passed the Structural Mechanics and Strength of Materials exam. |
Teaching methods | The module is organized as follows: - frontal lesson on all the topics of the program; - classroom exercises; - visits in precast factories and construction sites (if possible). |
Other information | Additional information materials will be provided through the university's teaching platform. |
Learning verification modality | The exam includes a written test and an oral test. The written test consists in performing two numerical exercises. The first concerns the steel structures and may be relevant to the verification/design of element/structural system and its bolted or welded connections. The second exercise is instead relevant to reinforced concrete structures and may be relevant to the verification/design of element/structural system. The oral exam is a discussion lasting about 45 minutes aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding achieved by students on the theoretical and methodological implications listed in the teaching program. This trial will also test the ability of communication of the student and of autonomous organization of the exposure on the theoretical topics. |
Extended program | The module consists of two teaching units and related exercises: Teaching unit I: Theoretical Fundamentals (15 hours) The methodology of structural design. Structural reliability. Types and Patterns of actions and materials. Eurocodes and Italian legislation. The measure of security in terms of forces, components of stress, tension. Teaching Unit II: Reinforced concrete structures (30 hours) Constructions made of structural concrete: materials, method of calculation; resistance checks, stability checks, practical rules for the design and execution; legislation. Exercises (9 hours) Examples of design and verification of individual structural elements and simple structural systems (frames, portals). |
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile | Industria, innovazione e infrastrutture Città e comunità sostenibili. |