Course name | Building engineering and architecture |
Study-unit Code | A002660 |
Curriculum | Comune a tutti i curricula |
Lecturer | Massimiliano Gioffre' |
CFU | 10 |
Course Regulation | Coorte 2022 |
Supplied | 2023/24 |
Supplied other course regulation | |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Type of learning activities | Attività formativa integrata |
Partition |
Code | A002661 |
CFU | 5 |
Lecturer | Silvia Meniconi |
Lecturers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Sector | ICAR/01 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Basic differential equations for fluids Fluid Statics Inviscid fluids Finite control volume analysis Viscous liquids Measurement of hydraulic quantities Short pipes: analysis of functioning conditions Long pipes in uniform flow Open channel flow in steady-state conditions |
Reference texts | As often happens in Italy, the used textbooks are in Italian. Foreign students should contact the teaching staff about the most suitable textbooks in English. |
Educational objectives | The course of FONDAMENTI DI WATER DESIGN is the first one concerning water resources. Its main aim is to provide students with the basic analytical tools to analyze quantitatively flow processes. In such a context, both the local (by means of differential equations) and global approach will be followed. Particularly, the continuity equation and the momentum equations will be derived from the fundamental eqautions of Physics, as relaible tools for engineers. Moreover, attention will be paid to empirical relationships that are used for solving practical problems of the hydraulic engineering. For each empirical relationship, the range of validity will be pointed out. Great attention will be devoted to 1-D models which are the hearh of IDRAULICA with respect to Fluid Mechanics. The main competence will be: - to use the proper approach (local, global, 1-D modeling); - to analyze the given problem selecting data and unknowns properly; - to solve implicit equations (e.g. the friction formulas) reliably; - to use EPANET code and make practice with AQUALIBRIUM. |
Prerequisites | In order to be able to understand and apply most of the topics explained during the course, you must have successfully passed the Fisica Generale and Analisi II courses. Particularly you should be familiar with continuous functions, limits, derivatives, and simple and double integrals. |
Teaching methods | The course is organized as follows: - lectures on all the topics of the course; - exercises about all the practical topics discussed during the course; - laboratory tets at the Water Engineering Laboratory of the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale ( about open channel flow and pressure pipe systems; - EPANET short course ( and AQUALIBRIUM competition ( coupled. - HECR-RAS short course ( For all topics, the strong links between theory and practical engineering problems are pointed out. |
Other information | Tests wil be executed at the Water Engineering Laboratory of the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale. |
Learning verification modality | With regard to the modality of the exam, you have the following two options: two-steps exam: within such a modality, the exams consists in two phases. The first phase happens immediately during the lessons’ break in November and the second phase is at the end of the course (in December or in January): they are written exams (usually three questions and available time: 1.5 hours for each exam). The first exam concerns the topics explained during the first part (from basic differential equations for fluids to short pipes) with an exercise on fluid statics or on short pipes; the second exam concerns the topics explained during the second part of the course (from long pipes to flow through porous media). unique-step exam: within such a modality, the exam consists in an oral test, with a duration of about 1 hour, which includes four questions about all the topics explained during the course and an exercise about one of the practical topics discussed during the whole course. Within both the modalities, your communication skill and autonomy in the organization and exposure of the topics will be tested. A problem concerning hydrostatics, steady-state flow in pressurized pipes, and steady-state flow in open channels has to be solved numerically to be admitted to the oral exam. |
Extended program | Basic differential equations for fluids Some characteristics and properties of fluids and liquids. Stresses. Newton's law and Newtonian fluids. State equation. Kinematics of fluids. Lagrangian and Eulerian approach. Flow field description. Continuity equation. Newton's second law and fluid dynamics equation. Fluid Statics Basic equation for pressure field. Stevin's law. Hydrostatic pressure behavior. Hydrostatic force on a plane surface. Mariotte's formula. Problems. Inviscid fluids Euler's equation. Bernoulli theorem. Gradually varied flows. Venturi principle. Bernoulli theorem for a gradually varied flow. Continuity equation for a flow. Viscous liquids Bernoulli equation for viscous liquid flows. Reynolds pipe flow experiments: laminar and turbulent flows. Darcy - Weisbach equation and friction losses (Moody chart, Poiseuille equation, Blasius equation, Colebrook-White equation. Swamee-Jain equation). Measurement of pressure, discharge, and level: definition of full scale, frequency acquisition, accuracy, precision, signal to noise ratio (SNR). Short pipes: analysis of functioning conditions Sudden expansion of a pressurised flow: the Borda equation. Minor losses (inlets, valves, bends, outlets,...). Hydraulic grade line. Short and long pipes. Problems. Long pipes in uniform flow Design and analysis of functioning conditions (branched and looped systems). Pumping stations. EPANET. Problems. Open channel flow Characteristics of open channel flow with respect to pressurised flow. Uniform depth channel flow. Gradually varied flow. Hydraulic jump. HEC-RAS. Problems. |
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile |
Code | GP003210 |
CFU | 5 |
Lecturer | Massimiliano Gioffre' |
Lecturers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Analisi e progettazione strutturale per l'architettura |
Sector | ICAR/08 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Rigid body. Beams and systems of beams with straight axis. -cinematic behaviour, - - static behaviour -equilibrium equations -diagrams of the axial force, shear force and bending moment. Truss beams. Principe of virtual work for rigid body. |
Reference texts | Reference texts Main book:“Statica –Fondamenti di meccanica strutturale” E. Guarenti, F. Buccino, E. Garavaglia, G. Novati, - Mac Graw Hill. Other suggested books: “Lezioni di Scienza delle Costruzioni”, G. Menditto, - Pitagora “Esercitazioni di Scienza delle Costruzioni”, E. Viola – Pitagora – vol.1. Other material is available on Unistudium-unipg: - The slides that the teacher uses during the lessons; - Texts of exercises that students are invited to solve for the preparation of the exam. - Exam exercises texts of previous years. |
Educational objectives | The main objective is to give students the basis for dealing with the study of the structural systems which consist of straight axis beams, in static equilibrium. The student will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge for the resolution of isostatic structures. The main skill will be the analysis of kinematic and static behavior of one dimensional systems, the determination of the internal forces (axial force, shear force, and bending moment). |
Prerequisites | The knowledge acquired at Analysis I, Physics and Geometry courses is necessary. |
Teaching methods | Theoretical and practical lectures. Classroom exercises are planned so that students can check the level of learning they have achieved. |
Other information | Working and / or non-attending students can also contact the teacher by email to receive the necessary clarifications. Students with disabilities and / or with DSA for any need can contact directly the teacher of the teaching of Statics (who is the referent for disability and DSA of the Department of Engineering). |
Learning verification modality | A written exam concerning the resolution of an isostatic structure (in the time of 2 hours) and a subsequent oral test on all the topics covered in the course. It is necessary to reach the vote of 18/30 for admission to the oral test. The completeness of the answer, the argumentative rigor and the ownership of language will be assessed. |
Extended program | Rigid body. Finite and infinitesimal rigid displacements. Beams and systems of beams with straight axis: -types of support -types of loads -statically determinate beams: linear axis beams -cinematic behaviour, static behaviour -equilibrium equations -diagrams of the axial force, shear force and bending moment |