Course name Building engineering and architecture
Study-unit Code 70A00121
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Giovanni Mochi
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code 70083109
Lecturer Giovanni Mochi
  • Giovanni Mochi
  • 54 ore - Giovanni Mochi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline tecnologiche per l'architettura e la produzione edilizia
Sector ICAR/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The teaching is aimed at providing in-depth knowledge in the field of the relationship between technique (materials, construction solutions, performance analysis) and architecture.
Reference texts E. Dassori e R. Morbiducci, Costruire l'architettura, Tecniche NUove, 2010.
M. Zaffagnini, Progettare nel processo edilizio, Luigi Parma Editore, 1981.
A. Martini e G. Carapella, Sostenibilità e innovazione. Nuova edilizia e riqualificazione, Almisisi, 2014.
R. Gulli, Recupero sostenibile del patrimonio costruito in ambito sismico.
R.Gulli, Recupero e conservazione degli edifici
Educational objectives The course aims to provide students with the skills necessary to critically evaluate the technical contents of new and existing architectures
The main knowledge (Dublin Descriptor 1) acquired will be:
• knowledge of the requirements and performance proposals specific to the current construction process;
• knowledge of the characteristics of existing buildings and methods of assessing their safety;

The main skills acquired (ability to apply the knowledge acquired, Dublin Descriptor 2, and to adopt the appropriate approach with autonomy of judgment, Dublin Descriptor 3) will be:
• ability to identify needs and performances of a new architecture;
• ability to develop a project to improve existing architectures;
• ability to develop an executive project of a new architecture in BIM mode;
Prerequisites Achievement of the educational objectives of course of the Technical Architecture 1
Teaching methods The course is divided into theoretical lessons, practical exercises and laboratory activities.
Other information None
Learning verification modality The exam consists of an individual oral test.
The verification of the teaching objectives of the course (exam) includes an oral test, which will be carried out on the dates set in the CdS exam calendar.
The oral exam consists of an interview lasting no more than about 45 minutes aimed at ascertaining:
i) the level of knowledge of the theoretical contents of the course (Dublin descriptor 1);
ii) the level of competence in exposing their knowledge (Dublin descriptor 2);
iii) independent judgment (Dublin descriptor 3).
The oral exam also aims to verify the student's ability to respond with language properties to the questions proposed by the Commission, to support a dialectical relationship during the interview and to demonstrate logical-deductive and summary skills in the presentation (descriptor of Dublin 4).
The final evaluation will be given in thirtieths.
Extended program Space, time and materials: examples of architectural synthesis in residential buildings of different historical periods.
Technological innovation in the building context.
Executive planning and BIM.
Seismic building recovery: from buildings to building aggregates.


Code 70083203
Lecturer Marco De Simone
  • Marco De Simone
  • 45 ore - Marco De Simone
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline tecnologiche per l'architettura e la produzione edilizia
Sector ICAR/10
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)