Course name Environmental engineering
Study-unit Code A002607
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Alessia Flammini
  • Alessia Flammini
  • Alessia Flammini
  • 48 ore - Alessia Flammini
  • 6 ore - Alessia Flammini
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Ingegneria per l'ambiente e territorio
Sector ICAR/02
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian.
Contents The course deals with transport modeling of pollutants in atmosphere, contaminants in saturated or unsaturated soil and vapor in air over free water surfaces and is organized in three different didactic parts:
- Transport and diffusion of atmospheric pollutants
- Mass transport of pollutants in saturated/unsaturated media
- Free water surfaces: evaporation
Reference texts - G. Finzi, G. Brusasca, La qualità dell'aria, modelli previsionali e gestionali, Masson, Milano 1991.
- C.W. Fetter, Contaminant Hydrogeology, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1999.
- Didactic material available in UNI-STUDIUM website
Educational objectives The course deals with transport modeling of pollutants in atmosphere, contaminants in saturated or unsaturated soil and vapor in air over free water surfaces.
The main expected learning results are:
- knowledge and understanding of a rigorous approach in transport modeling of pollutants in atmosphere, simplified models in simulating the spatial and temporal evolution of a plume, transport modeling of contaminants dissolved in water of saturated or unsaturated soil, methodologies to estimate evaporation process over free water surfaces;
- skill to select and apply proper modeling in order to represent mass transport and diffusion processes of pollutants in atmosphere, contaminants in saturated or unsaturated media and vapor in air.
Prerequisites With the aim to understand the mathematical models involved by the program of the course and reach the expected learning results, the following elements are required:
- basic analytical elements, such as integrals, derivates, partial differential equation (provided by the courses of Mathematical Analysis delivered in Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent);
- elements of dynamics of fluids, such as the Navier-Stokes equations (acquired by students attending the courses of Hydraulics and Hydrology planned in Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent);
- elements of thermodynamics as the laws of the thermodynamics, the Stefan- Boltzmann law.
Teaching methods The course is organized in:
- Face-to-face lessons;
- Practical training;
- Seminars.
Other information No further info
Learning verification modality The exam of the course consists of an oral discussion lasting about 30-40 minutes directed to check out the knowledge level over the course contents, the acquired ability to apply the studied models and techniques and the ability to select the proper methodology by self-judgement. Furthermore, the oral exam has also the objective to evaluate communication skills and the usage of an appropriate language about the theoretical and practical subjects of the course.
Extended program The course deals with transport modeling of pollutants in atmosphere, contaminants in saturated or unsaturated soil and vapor in air over free water surfaces and is organized in three different didactic parts.
1. Transport and diffusion of atmospheric pollutants (16 hours): i) Theoretical formulation of the problem; ii) Gaussian plume model; iii) puff models.
2. Mass transport of pollutants in saturated/unsaturated media (14 hours): i) Soil structure, Laplace and Richards' equations, aquifers; ii) Saturated porous media (Transport by concentration gradients, transport by advection, by mechanical and hydrodynamic dispersion, advection-dispersion equation for solute transport, analytical solutions); iii) Unsaturated porous media (soil colloids, electrostatic double layer, mass transport in unsaturated zone).
3. Free water surfaces (10 hours): i) Evaporation process; ii) estimate of evaporation by mass balance method, energy balance, mass transfer method, combined method; iii) evaporation estimate through pan evaporation.