Course name Design
Study-unit Code A000269
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Base
Area Formazione umanistica
Sector ICAR/18
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare


Code A000269
Lecturer Aldo Iori
  • Aldo Iori
  • 54 ore - Aldo Iori
Learning activities Base
Area Formazione umanistica
Sector ICAR/18
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course is organized into lessons in History of Design in which the main events that led to the formation of the modern design concept will be analyzed: international exhibitions, designers, schools and industrial production. Particular attention will be given to the Italian reality and to the formation of a critical thought that conceives design in relation with different artistic forms and defines concepts such as crafts, industry, copy, multiple, similarity, synergy and multimedia.
Reference texts R. De Fusco, Storia del design, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1998 ; B. Munari, Da cosa nasce cosa. Appunti per una metodologia progettuale, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2017 ; C. Alessi, Dopo gli anni Zero. Il nuovo design italiano, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2014 ; F. Irace, a cura di, Storie d’interni. L’architettura dello spazio domestico moderno, Carocci, Roma 2015 ; D. Norman, La caffettiera masochista. Il design degli oggetti quotidiani, Giunti, Firenze-Milano 2015 ; T. Maldonado, Disegno industriale: un riesame, Feltrinelli, Milano 2013 ; H. Foster, Design & Crime, Postmediabooks, Milano 2003 ; W. Benjamin, L'opera d'arte nell'epoca della sua riproducibilità tecnica, Einaudi, Torino 1966
Educational objectives The purpose of the course is to achieve a critical awareness of the historical phenomenon of design. This will be formed through the specific knowledge of the links between the so-called major arts and minor arts, from the mid-nineteenth century to the present, with particular attention to the birth of industrial design and its presence in the current Italian and international reality, and the reflection on the close relationship between history, form, space, thought and functionality.
Prerequisites General knowledge of the history and the art history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Teaching methods The teaching is divided into theoretical lessons, theoretical-applicative exercises and possible study visits.
Other information The students have all the images and texts used in the theoretical lessons.
Learning verification modality An oral exam verifies the knowledge of the topics of the lessons and it is recommended the presentation to the commission of an original text, unpublished and accompanied by a bibliography and any real observations, on a specific aspect of the course previously agreed with the teacher.
Extended program - Definition of the concept of design and its specificity. - Problems about the concepts of tradition, model, prototype, copy, project design, production, decoration and style. - The object and its technical reproducibility. - Definitions, terminologies and concepts in the History of design. - The main design theories in A.Loos, M.Van der Rohe, W.Gius, Le Corbusier, B.Munari, G.Dorfles, T.Maldonado. - Relations between the arts and the new schools and traditions in the 19th century. - The new arts of twentieth century and their relationship with design. - The classical and Middle-Age past in industrial culture and post-Enlightenment between utopia and the future. - William Morris's experience in Great Britain. - The historical avant-gardes in France and in Russia and the new problems concerning the object. - Industrialization and the definition of the consumer object for the people in the experience in the Wiener Werkstätte and the Werkbund. - The multidisciplinary experience in the Bauhaus and subsequent schools. - The Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs in Paris in 1925. - Industrialization and new relationship between the form and the function in United States industrial design in the first half of the 20th century. - Italian industrial design in the first half of the 20th century. - New technologies and innovative modern materials. - The exhibition of Italian design at the MoMA in New York in 1972. - Main Italian designers after World War II. - Graphics, advertising and packaging. - New definitions of contemporary design.


Code A000269
Lecturer Bianca Pedace
  • Bianca Pedace
  • 54 ore - Bianca Pedace
Learning activities Base
Area Formazione umanistica
Sector ICAR/18
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Reference texts Renato De Fusco. Storia del Design. Edizione Laterza

Un libro a scelta tra i seguenti:
Maurizio Vitta, Il progetto della bellezza. Il design fra arte e tecnica dal 1851 a oggi, Einaudi, Torino 2011.

Bruno Munari : “Design e comunicazione visiva. Contributo a una metodologia” Edizioni economica Laterza 2017
A. Pansera, “Dizionario del Design italiano”, edizione catini scolastica 2001
M. Vercelloni, Breve storia del design italiano (2008), Carocci Editore, Roma 2014 (nuova ed. aggiornata),
Durante il corso saranno proiettate immagini sulla storia del Design italiano e della comunicazione in varie forme d’arte.
Learning verification modality Styles, languages, productions on the Italian and international scene from the great universal exhibitions of the 19th century to contemporary design.
For a definition of Design
Between decorative arts and design and architecture
The Italian design culture in the early twentieth century
The language of the Modern in Italy / the figure of design
Italian design and its communication, the media system
Communication within the Museums and design settings applied to forms of art, architecture and exhibitions-design.
Extended program The course is divided into studying all forms of art related to the world of design and architecture, with particular reference to the field of visual communication, forms and images.
The studies of the sector therefore concern the styles, the visual representation, and the settings. This path includes skills for the recognition of styles and their evolution in the history of modern and contemporary art.
The course tells the story of industrial design from its origins to more recent times, through the main protagonists and movements that have marked the history of modern world design. Students will have the opportunity to analyze the most famous creations of international architects, from Lambretta to Gio Ponti's lamps, from Bauhaus to sector magazines, from museums to gardens, a focus on the Italian reality will be dedicated. General knowledge of the international development processes of industrial design, the teaching will focus on the Italian experience and its contemporary development in the design of space and architecture and fashion. The course will also analyze the concepts of form, series, type, standard and system in relation to the developments proposed in the course. The aim of the course is to offer an in-depth understanding of the theory and history of design. By observing how design has developed in the past, it is possible to understand the sense of the forces that create the conditions for design in the present in contemporary culture.
- The contemporary sign and language will be studied both in the field of materials and technologies that allow the creation and typological innovation, with hints of multimedia and virtual design, with insights into modern architecture.