Study-unit Graphic Design

Course name Planet life design
Study-unit Code A001952
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Valeria Menchetelli
  • Valeria Menchetelli
  • Alfredo Mommi
  • 40 ore - Valeria Menchetelli
  • 8 ore - Alfredo Mommi
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline tecnologiche e ingegneristiche
Sector ICAR/17
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course content is divided into three teaching units.
- Pre-digital representation.
- Digital representation.
- Post-digital representation.
The topics of graphic conventions for project representation and graphic languages for project representation are also discussed.
Reference texts Francesco Cellini, Manualetto, CittàStudi, Milano 1991.
Tomas Maldonado, Reale e virtuale, Feltrinelli, Milano 2015.
Alberto Pratelli (a cura di), Codici del disegno di progetto, Forum, Udine 2006.
Livio Sacchi, Maurizio Unali, Architettura e cultura digitale, Skira, Milano 2003.
Educational objectives The course is aimed at conveying to the student the knowledge in the management of languages, techniques and conventions for the representation of the project, in the different application fields consistent with the aims of the degree course (from the interior architectural space to the environment and territory, from the scale of the building to the scale of the object and artefact). Specifically, the student will learn to historically place languages, conventions and modes of transmission of project contents, applying these tools to the multiple representation of the same project theme, declined according to purpose.
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of representation and modelling in a digital environment.
Teaching methods The course consists of theoretical lessons, practical exercises and a project representation topic.
In the theoretical lessons, the contents of the three teaching units will be conveyed.
In the practical exercises, the students will be assigned analyses of project works realised by architects from the historical and contemporary scenario.
In the topic of project representation each student will be assigned an author's building, which will have to be represented in different languages according to the communicative purposes.
Other information -
Learning verification modality The exam is conducted by means of an individual oral discussion that concerns both the theoretical contents of the lesson programme presented during the teaching, and the practical contents of the assigned practical exercises, with particular reference to a project representation theme carried out using different graphic languages in relation to the communicative purpose. The discussion is aimed at verifying the level of knowledge, comprehension and communication skills achieved by the student.
Extended program The course content is divided into three teaching units.
- Pre-digital representation. The traditional tools and techniques of project representation. Analogical drawing in the ideational phase (freehand sketching) and in the representation phase (technical project drawing).
- Digital representation. Digital tools for project representation. Drawing and modelling in the CAD environment; digital representation techniques; rendering.
- Post-digital representation. Graphic languages for project representation: digital illustration, photocollage, photomontage, mapping and layering.
The topics of graphic conventions for project representation and graphic languages for project representation are also covered.