Course name | Planet life design |
Study-unit Code | A001933 |
Curriculum | Comune a tutti i curricula |
Lecturer | Benedetta Terenzi |
CFU | 19 |
Course Regulation | Coorte 2022 |
Supplied | 2022/23 |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |
Type of learning activities | Attività formativa integrata |
Partition |
Design of the Provisional Structures
Code | A001935 |
CFU | 6 |
Lecturer | Giovanni Mochi |
Lecturers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Discipline tecnologiche e ingegneristiche |
Sector | ICAR/10 |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |
Language of instruction | Italian. |
Contents | The course aims to teach the fundamental principles useful for the design of temporary works in historical urban contexts. |
Reference texts | R. Acanfora, La pianificazione delle opere provvisionali: i ponteggi, Graus Editore, 2018. Comitato pari tecnico territoriale di Torinoe di Perugia, La sicurezza dei ponteggi e delle altre opere provvisionali. Manuale di antinfortunistica per operatori e tecnici di cantieri, Il Sole 24 Ore, 2007. A.M. Caivano, Le opere provvisionali nei cantieri edili e di ingegneria civile. Progettazione e sicurezza di ponteggi e armature degli scavi, EPC Libri, 2001. M. Bellizzi, Le opere provvisionali nell’emergenza sismica, Ed. Protezione Civile, 2001. C.N.VV.F., Manuale Opere Provvisionali (STOP), Tipolitografia Inail, 2011. |
Educational objectives | The course aims to convey to students the necessary skills to evaluate the impact of temporary works in the urban environment and to improve these impacts. The main knowledge (Dublin Descriptor 1) acquired will be: • knowledge of the basics of worker and construction safety; • knowledge of suitable devices to guarantee safety; The main skills acquired (ability to apply the acquired knowledge, Dublin Descriptor 2, and to adopt with appropriate judgment the appropriate approach, Dublin Descriptor 3) will be: • ability to assess the impacts of temporary works on the urban environment; •ability to elaborate, proposals to improve the impact situations that could create temporary works; |
Prerequisites | None. |
Teaching methods | The course is divided into theoretical and practical lessons |
Other information | None. |
Learning verification modality | The exam consists of an individual oral test. The verification of the educational objectives of the course (test) includes an oral test, which will be carried out on the dates set in the exam timetable of the CdS. The oral exam consists of an interview, of about 30 minutes aimed at assess: i) the level of knowledge of the theoretical contents of the course (Dublin descriptor 1); ii) the level of competence in presenting their knowledge (Dublin descriptor 2); iii) autonomy of judgment (Dublin descriptor 3). The oral test also aims to verify the student's language skills in answering the Commission’s questions, to sustain a dialectical relationship during the interview and to demonstrate logical-deductive and summary abilities in the exhibition of one's thought (Dublin 4 descriptor). The grade will be express by the Commission in thirtieths. |
Extended program | In the first part of the course you will learn the different types of temporary works used in construction both for the protection of workers (scaffolding), and to ensure the safety of buildings damaged by seismic events pending repairs (shoring, chaining and hoops). The environmental context analyzed will be that of historic centers where the impact, visual and functional, of these measures can create an obstacle to urban use. In the second part of the course, therefore, improvement solutions will be envisaged aimed at restoring adequate livability to the urban spaces affected by these works. |
Design for Emergency
Code | A001940 |
CFU | 8 |
Lecturer | Benedetta Terenzi |
Lecturers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Design e comunicazioni multimediali |
Sector | ICAR/13 |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |
Language of instruction | Italian. |
Contents | The course aims to address issues related to contemporary emergencies, in the sense of 'permanent emergencies' through the tools, strategies, languages and methodologies of visual communication. |
Reference texts | - Piscitelli, D. (2019) First things first. Comunicare le emergenze, Listlab Editore - AA.VV. Krisis: orientation. vol. 2, Aiap edizioni. - Piscitelli D. (2016) Per una ecologia dell’erranza, in G. Sinni (a cura di), Design X. Dieci anni di design a San Marino con uno sguardo ai prossimi cento, Quodlibet editore, Macerata - Piscitelli D. (2013) From city landscape to city landscape. Approaches and considerations for a project on sensityve communication, in AA.VV. Hiatus II “Blak on White” . Sanserif Creatius SL. - Bollini, L., Branzaglia, C. (a cura di), No brand more profit. Etica e comunicazione, Milano: Aiap Edizioni. |
Educational objectives | The course aims to provide students with the necessary skills to use communication design to deal with new emergencies to which the contemporary world presents us. The main knowledge acquired will be (Dublin Descriptor 1): -knowledge of the theoretical foundations of visual communication design; -knowledge of the history of graphic design and in particular of the 'Public Utility Season' and programmatic charts and 'Manifesto'; -knowledge of the tools, techniques and innovative methodologies of visual communication design; -knowledge of the fundamentals of emergency design applied in particular to the paradigm of permanent emergency. The main skills acquired will be (ability to apply the acquired knowledge, Dublin Descriptor 2, and to adopt with autonomy of judgement the appropriate approach, Dublin Descriptor 3): -ability to identify communication strategies and languages aimed at the objectives of the specific projects assigned; -ability to use visual communication languages as dissemination tools for forecasting, prevention, emergency management; -ability to learn from the results achieved to implement processes and skills in the management of permanent anomaly states. |
Prerequisites | Ability to manage all visual communication tools, analog and digital, on-line and off-line. Basic elements of the visual language, syntax of the composition. Psychology of visual perception, Basic design. |
Teaching methods | The course is divided into: Lessons ex catedra Lab sessions. Corrections and collective checks. Team working. |
Other information | In accordance with the organization and management of time and space, conferences and seminars with designers who have worked on the topics of the course are planned. |
Learning verification modality | The progress of learning will be evaluated for each student. Students will be followed for each exercise and for the final work. Every single step will have its own intermediate evaluation. The exam will focus on the evaluation of the individual exercises and the final group project. Competences and skills will be evaluated. The ability to achieve the objective will be assessed through innovative project. The oral test consists of an interview lasting no more than about 20 minutes, carried out on the basis of the graphics produced during the application exercises and aimed at determining: (i) the level of knowledge of the theoretical contents of the course (Dublin descriptor 1); (ii) the level of competence in presenting their knowledge (Dublin descriptor 2); (iii) independence of judgement (Dublin descriptor 3). The oral test also aims to verify the student's ability to respond with language properties to the questions proposed by the Commission, to sustain a dialectical relationship during the interview and to demonstrate logical-deductive and synthetic skills in the exposition (Dublin 4 descriptor). The final assessment will be set by the Commission in 30ths. |
Extended program | The lessons ex catedra will focus on the aspects related to the project of the emergency, understood in its largest and most contemporary sense, intended as a permanent emergency. Many case studies will be shown to circumscribe the theme. The workshop sessions will include: - individual exercises, focused on small themes; - a course theme, to be carried out in groups, set in a context of emergency - economic, cultural, religious, ethical, social, environmental - Students are called to carry out a project capable of proposing concrete solutions for the solution or management of the emergency subject matter and context chosen. The course is divided into the following teaching units. 1. Theoretical principles, contexts and multidisciplinary approaches, historical references. 2. Project: scenario identification, choice of the specific theme, research, analysis, strategy and final project. Verification of objectives and expected results. |
Hydraulic Risk and Environmental Protection
Code | A001941 |
CFU | 5 |
Lecturer | Stefano Casadei |
Lecturers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Sector | ICAR/02 |
Type of study-unit | Opzionale (Optional) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | The course deals with the methodologies for defining the reference scenarios for the characterization of natural risks, in particular the hydraulic one and the actions and infrastructures for the protection of the territory and anthropic activities. |
Reference texts | Murachelli A. e Riboni V., Rischio idraulico e difesa del territorio, Dario Flaccovio Editore, 2010. Rosso R., 2002. Manuale di protezione idraulica del territorio. CUSL, Milano. |
Educational objectives | The first objective concerns the acquisition of the main knowledge relating to: • definition of reference scenarios for the characterization of natural risks and the hydraulic one in particular; • possible actions to protect the territory against hydraulic risk; • planning techniques that foresee the virtuous interaction between works, territory and anthropic activities. A second objective is related to the acquisition of the main skills related to the ability to: • select, apply and interpret monitoring instruments and techniques of the main quantities for the definition of a risk scenario; • select and apply basic hydraulic risk assessment methodologies; • evaluate the effectiveness of territorial protection tools; • evaluate the effect of anthropic works and activities on the territory. |
Prerequisites | In order to understand and to apply the most important concepts discussed in the course is necessary that the student has already gained basic mathematical skills. |
Teaching methods | The course is organized in: •Face-to-face lessons; •Practical training. |
Other information | Nothing |
Learning verification modality | The exam of the course consists of an oral discussion. The oral exam is directed to check out the knowledge level over the course contents related to hydraulic risk and environment protection, the ability to apply the studied techniques and the ability to select the proper methodology by self-judgement. Furthermore, the oral exam has also the objective to evaluate communication skills and the usage of an appropriate language about the theoretical and practical subjects of the course. The grade of the exam is certified with the local grade system, which is a number on a scale from 18 to 30. |
Extended program | The main topics of the course are: - design discharge estimate for hydraulic infrastructures; - methodologies for characterizing natural risks with specific reference to the hydraulic one; - planning tools, Directive 2007/60/EC on the assessment and management of flood risks; - interaction between works, territory and anthropic activities; - channel conveyance maintenance and the possible application of bioengineering solutions - elements on non-structural and structural measures to mitigate hydraulic risk and protect the environment. |