Course name Planet life design
Study-unit Code A003205
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Paolo Belardi
CFU 18
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata

Zero Volume Architecture

Code A001945
Lecturer Paolo Belardi
  • Paolo Belardi
  • Eliana Martinelli (Codocenza)
  • 32 ore - Paolo Belardi
  • 16 ore (Codocenza) - Eliana Martinelli
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector ICAR/14
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian.
Contents The course concerns the modifications of simple architectural systems without building volumes.
Reference texts I.Cortesi, "Il progetto del vuoto. Public Space in Motion 2002-2004, Alinea, Firenze 2005.
A. Aymonino, V.P. Mosco (a cura di), Spazi pubblici contemporanei. Architettura a volume zero", Skira, Milano 2006.
A. Aymonino, G. Cavazzano (a cura di), "Architettura Zero Cubatura. Tesi di laurea 2002-2007", Il Poligrafo, Padova 2007.
"Zero Volume", in "Area", 111, 2014.
Educational objectives The course has set itself the objective of providing students with the tools to control the modifications of architectural systems simple without building volumes.
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of architectural drawing.
Teaching methods The course is divided into lectures and exercises in a project.
Other information None.
Learning verification modality The exam consists of an individual oral test and the presentation of a project realized in a group. The test aims at assuring the level of knowledge and understanding, as well as synthesis, achieved by the student.
Extended program The course concerns the modifications of simple architectural systems without building volumes.
The course is divided into lectures and exercises in a project.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 7, 11, 13


Code A003206
Lecturer Paolo Di Nardo
  • Paolo Di Nardo
  • 48 ore - Paolo Di Nardo
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Design e comunicazioni multimediali
Sector ICAR/13
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Even the world of design, as a product, can no longer shy away from the contemporary theme of respecting the environment through environmentally friendly uses and a flexibility of use that allows objects a longer life without creating waste
Reference texts - Di Nardo P. (2020). Future design. In: IFAU19 - 3rd International Forum for Architecture and Urbanism, Tirana (Albania), 21-23 November 2019, FLASH Publishing, pp. 42-48. ISBN:978-9928-346-01-8.
- Di Nardo P.; Spennato A. (2020). Design(ing). The multiscalar project. In: From mega to nano. The complexity of a multiscalar project, Palermo University Press, vol. 4, pp. 154-169. ISBN:978-88-5509-188-6.
- Di Nardo P. (2019). Il disegno nascosto. In: Gianpiero Alfarano, Eugenio Guglielmi. Pio Manzù designer di transizione tra moderno e contemporaneo. p. 50-57, Pietro Macchione Editore. ISBN: 978-88-6570-569-8.
- Di Nardo P. (2018). Design obliquo. ALLELI/RESEARCH, p. 1-135, SIRACUSA: LetteraVentidue Edizioni ISBN: 9788862422840.
- Di Nardo P. (2018). Design: Cerchio - Quadrato. Firenze: DNA editore ISBN: 9788890394751
Educational objectives The course aims to provide students with adequate cultural and professional training in the field of sustainable and environmentally friendly design.
In particular, students in the course of the lessons can learn how to recognise the qualities of a contemporary design object by absorbing its peculiarities, learning them and re-proposing them according to the expectations of modernity.
Prerequisites No
Teaching methods The lectures are supported by multimedia presentations aimed at deepening the topics covered. Workshop reviews on the year's theme assigned in relation to the topics covered during the lectures are also an integral part of the course. One or more visits to companies in the sector that stand out for their respect for the environment are planned.
Other information No
Learning verification modality The knowledge acquired is verified through the revision and examination discussion of the graphic works produced by the students.
The discussion is aimed at assessing the student's knowledge of the topics addressed in the course, the appropriateness of language in expounding them, the maturity of judgement acquired in these topics and the competence in supporting the design choices presented, also with a view to being able to identify any limits in a perspective of continuous cultural growth.
Extended program The module intends to convey the principles of correct design in respect of the environment and current topics on energy saving.
The designed examples will have to be based on an in-depth research of the market responding to eco-sustainable issues and from here find the shortcomings or peculiarities in order to update the cultural panorama in the product field. An important role will be played by the design of luminaires capable of synthesising multiple instances of environmental and sustainable solutions: e.g. acoustics and energy saving.
The year's design exercise will be illustrated to students as part of the course, and will be the subject of dedicated lectures and reviews.

Aesthetics of Landscape in the History of Thought

Code A001947
Lecturer Massimiliano Marianelli
  • Massimiliano Marianelli
  • Serena Meattini (Codocenza)
  • 24 ore - Massimiliano Marianelli
  • 24 ore (Codocenza) - Serena Meattini
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector M-FIL/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italiano
Contents Recognition and relationship between art and landscape
Reference texts 1) Introduction and framing of the meanings of aesthetics that will allow the student to learn and use the vocabulary, categories and basic notions of the discipline. Material provided by the teachers
2) The link between art and relationship. Material provided by teachers
3) Aesthetics and landscape: The landscape as a place of recognition and space of relationship. Reference text: P. D’Angelo, Estetica e paesaggio, Il Mulino 2009
4) Places and forms of aesthetic experience: for a broadening of the notion of artisticity. Material provided by the teachers; M. Donà – M. Marianelli, Beuys e Burri: 1980 – 2020. Un tempo e il suo orizzonte di senso, pièdimosca Edizioni, Perugia 2021

5) Landscape and spaces of contemporary art. Material provided by teachers
Teachers will provide further information during the lessons
Educational objectives The student will have to acquire critical awareness of the main argumentative and problematic points characterizing the modern and contemporary debates that invest: the definition of aesthetics, reflection on the landscape, the nature and role of art with attention to the theme of recognition and relationship. Significant acquisition of the historical-philosophical contents of the discipline; development of the capacity of elaborative-critical and interpretative orientation.
Methodology of interdisciplinary teaching: relations between aesthetics and other fields of knowledge; philosophy and science, philosophy and art, philosophy and history, philosophy and public discussion.
Prerequisites None.
Teaching methods Lectures, seminars
Other information Frequency of lessons: Optional but strongly advised.For more info:
Learning verification modality Final oral examen or written test of 40 minutes.
Extended program The course aims to focus on the relationship between aesthetics, landscape and art starting from the centrality of the relational dimension, on the basis of the category of recognition. Some basic elements of the disciplinary field will be addressed in order to provide a historical and methodological framework aimed at understanding the terms, categories and evolution of the different meanings assumed by the discipline (the science of sensible knowledge; the different declinations assumed by the aesthetic experience; the various forms of philosophy of art). The link between art and recognition will then be addressed, emphasizing the relational and intersubjective implications connected to the artistic dimension, introductory to the treatment of the landscape and the different forms of artistic expression in the contemporary context. The relationship between aesthetics and landscape will be addressed considering heterogeneous readings and perspectives, in order to propose as broad a view as possible on the possible issues and implications related to the theme.