Course name Civil and environmental engineering
Study-unit Code GP004384
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Stefano Falcinelli
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code GP004390
Lecturer Stefano Falcinelli
  • Stefano Falcinelli
  • 56 ore - Stefano Falcinelli
Learning activities Base
Area Fisica e chimica
Sector CHIM/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian.
Contents Atomic theory and Stoichiometry. Gaseous phase. Thermodynamics and thermochemistry. Phase equilibria and solutions. Chemical equilibrium. Electrochemistry: batteries, accumulators, electrolysis. Chemical kinetics. Atomic structure; quantum mechanics, quantum numbers, orbitals, periodic properties. Chemical bond. Fundamentals of Radiochemistry.
Reference texts D. W. Oxtoby, H. P. Gillis e L. J. Butler, Chimica moderna, V Edizione, EdiSES, Napoli 2018.
S. Falcinelli, F. Vecchiocattivi, Radiochimica ambientale, Aracne editrice, Ariccia 2016.
Educational objectives This course represents the first teaching of Chemistry and examines the basic elements of General Chemistry, treating properties (composition and structure) and the transformations of matter. The main goal of such education is to provide students with the bases for the study of General Chemistry and to recognize and evaluate the role of chemical transformations and the microscopic structure of matter in technological applications.
Main knowledge acquired will be:
- Principles and methods of weight balance in chemical reactions;
- Basic characteristics of the properties of the states of matter and the physical characteristics of phase equilibria;
- Knowledge of thermodynamics, energetics and spontaneity criteria of chemical reactions;
- Fundamentals of chemical equilibrium and deep understanding of redox processes, corrosion phenomena and processes exploited in the production and accumulation of electricity via batteries and accumulators;
- Knowledge on the microscopic structure of matter, the structure of atoms and molecules and the chemical bond by quantum mechanics treatments.
The main competence (i.e. the ability to apply the acquired knowledge) will be:
- to analyze and describe the main chemical reactions from a qualitatively and quantitatively point of view with the ability to perform predictive calculations in terms of weighted quantities and energy, with particular attention to the reaction yields for energy production (combustion reactions, redox reactions used in batteries and accumulators);
- to know how evaluating the best physical-chemical conditions to be used in order to maximize the reaction and energy yields of chemical processes;
- to identify the most suitable materials and the best operative chemical-physical conditions for electrochemical devices in the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy, and vice versa;
- to evaluate materials and the optimal chemical-physical conditions suitable to prevent corrosion in building structures, and mechanical parts under stress;
- to analyze and describe the main phenomena of chemical pollution, being able to evaluate the chemical and physical conditions suitable in order to minimize their environmental impact;
- to be able to predict the main chemical-physical characteristics of the various substances based on the analysis of their constituent elements and of their existing chemical bond.
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand and apply the majority of the techniques described within the course, it is not necessary to have passed any exams. Moreover, some topics matter of the module require the ability: i) to solve derivatives, integrals and second-degree equations and inequalities; ii) to know how to perform conversions between cgs and mks unit systems; iii) knowing how to perform dimensional analysis adopting the International System of Units (SI) in order to check the correctness of the performed calculations and of the used equations. Knowledge of these techniques represents a mandatory prerequisite for students planning to follow this course with profit.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follow:
- Lectures on all subjects of the course;
- Classroom exercises aimed for a correct application of the concepts developed for the resolution of numerical exercises and problems of practical application.
During the course the student is encouraged to work in a quantitative way over all the studied phenomena, using appropriately the involved physical and chemical quantities. This is done through the theoretical frontal lessons and carrying out in the classroom some experimental demonstrations, many numerical exercises and tutorial discussions.
Other information Frontal lessons: five weekly hours. Tutorial discussions with experimental demonstrations and numerical exercises: one or two weekly hours depending on the necessity.
The timetable and Classroom can be downloaded at the following Web address:
Learning verification modality The exam consists of a written test and an oral test for each module ("Chemistry" module and "Materials Technology" module) of the Course.
The written tests, for both "Chemistry" module and "Materials Technology" module, consist of the solution of 7-8 problems/multiple choice tests and/or 1-2 short compositions. Each test has a duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes and is designed to evaluate tha ability to correctly apply the theoretical knowledge, the understanding of the proposed issues, and the ability to communicate in written form.
The oral tests, for both "Chemistry" module and "Materials Technology" module, consist on interviews of about 20-30 minutes long each one aiming to ascertain the knowledge level and the understanding capability acquired by the student on theoretical and methodological contents as indicated on the program (Atomic theory of matter and stoichiometry; the gas phase; thermodynamics and thermochemistry; phase equilibria and solutions; chemical equilibrium; redox reactions; Electrochemistry: batteries, accumulators, electrolysis; chemical kinetics; atomic structure; quantum mechanics; orbitals and quantum numbers; periodic properties; chemical bond; properties and mechanical behavior of materials; properties and classification of concretes). The oral exam will also test the student communication skill and his autonomy in the organization and exposure of the theoretical topics.
The final evaluation will be carried out by the Commission by averaging the results of four tests with the following weights: written test ("Chemistry" module), weight = 4/12; oral test ("Chemistry" module), weight = 3/12; written test ("Materials Technology" module), weight = 3/12; oral test ("Materials Technology" module), weight = 2/12.

For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or SLD, refer to:
Extended program Atomic theory of the matter: historical introduction; atomic theory of the matter; atom, isotopes and periodic table; formulas and chemical equations; mass balance; stoichiometric calculations. Fundamentals of Radiochemistry.

Gaseous phase: ideal gas; kinetic theory; the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of the molecular velocities; real gas, van der Waals and virial equations; intermolecular potentials.

Thermodynamics: the I principle and the thermochemistry; the II principle and the entropy; criterions of spontaneity of the processes and the Gibbs free energy; the III principle and the absolute entropies.

The basics of phase equilibria and solutions: vapor pressure; phase diagrams; solutions, concentration units and colligative properties; distillation.

Chemical equilibrium: homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria; equilibrium constant; ionic equilibria in aqueous solutions (acids and bases, low soluble salts).

Electrochemistry: states of oxidation; redox reactions and concept of semireaction; galvanic cells and methods for conversion of chemical energy to electric energy; batteries and accumulators; electrolysis and Faraday's laws.

Chemical kinetics: reaction rates; kinetic equations; molecularity and the order of reaction; collision theory; Arrhenius equation and effects of the temperature; activation energy; catalysis.

Structure and properties of matter: atomic structure; quantum mechanics, wave-particle dualism and Heisenberg uncertainty principle; quantum numbers, atomic and molecular orbitals and electron configurations of atoms and molecules; fundamental concepts of chemical bonding; hybridization and molecular geometry; periodic properties of the elements.


Code GP004391
Lecturer Luca Valentini
  • Luca Valentini
  • 40 ore - Luca Valentini
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector ING-IND/22
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents This course represents the first teaching of Materials science and examines the basic elements of Materials science and techmology, treating properties (composition and structure) and the transformations of matter. The main goal of such education is to provide students with the bases for the study of General Chemistry and to recognize and evaluate the role of chemical transformations and the microscopic structure of matter in technological applications.

Main knowledge acquired will be:

- Principles and classification of materials;

- Basic characteristics of the properties of the materials;

- Knowledge of mechanical, fatigue, creep properties of materials;

- Fundamentals of electrical and magnetic properties of materials;

- Knowledge on the structure of binders.

The main competence (i.e. the ability to apply the acquired knowledge) will be:

- to analyze and describe the properties of materials with the ability to perform calculations in terms of mechanical properties;

- to know how evaluating the best electrical and magnetic properties in device applications;

- to identify the most suitable binder materials.
Reference texts William Smith, Scienza e Tecnologia dei materiali, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
Educational objectives Providing tools in order to understand the main physico-chemical properties of materials for designing structures and / or devices.
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand and apply the majority of the techniques described within the course, it is not necessary to have passed any exams. Moreover, some topics matter of the module require the ability: i) to solve derivatives, integrals and second-degree equations and inequalities; ii) to know how to perform conversions between cgs and mks unit systems; iii) knowing how to perform dimensional analysis adopting the International System of Units (SI) in order to check the correctness of the performed calculations and of the used equations. Knowledge of these techniques represents a mandatory prerequisite for students planning to follow this course with profit.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follow:

- Lectures on all subjects of the course;

- Classroom exercises aimed for a correct application of the concepts developed for the resolution of numerical exercises and problems of practical application.

During the course the student is encouraged to work in a quantitative way over all the studied phenomena, using appropriately the involved physical and chemical quantities. This is done through the theoretical frontal lessons and carrying out in the classroom some experimental demonstrations, many numerical exercises and tutorial discussions.
Other information Frontal lessons: four weekly hours. Tutorial discussions with experimental demonstrations and numerical exercises: one or two weekly hours depending on the necessity.
The timetable and Classroom can be downloaded at the following Web address:
Learning verification modality The exam consists of a written test and an oral test for each module (Chemistry module and Materials Technology module) of the Course.

The written tests, for both Chemistry module and Materials Technology module, consist of the solution of 7-8 problems/multiple choice tests and/or 1-2 short compositions. Each test has a duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes and is designed to evaluate tha ability to correctly apply the theoretical knowledge, the understanding of the proposed issues, and the ability to communicate in written form.

The oral tests, for both Chemistry module and Materials Technology module, consist on interviews of about 20-30 minutes long each one aiming to ascertain the knowledge level and the understanding capability acquired by the student on theoretical and methodological contents as indicated on the program (Atomic theory of matter and stoichiometry; the gas phase; thermodynamics and thermochemistry; phase equilibria and solutions; chemical equilibrium; redox reactions; Electrochemistry: batteries, accumulators, electrolysis; chemical kinetics; atomic structure; quantum mechanics; orbitals and quantum numbers; periodic properties; chemical bond; properties and mechanical behavior of materials; properties and classification of concretes). The oral exam will also test the student communication skill and his autonomy in the organization and exposure of the theoretical topics.

The final evaluation will be carried out by the Commission by averaging the results of four tests with the following weights: written test (Chemistry module), weight = 4/12; oral test (Chemistry module), weight = 3/12; written test (Materials Technology module), weight = 3/12; oral test (Materials Technology module), weight = 2/12.
Toughness and hardness tests
Stress Concentration
Safety factor
Friction and wear
Griffith theory
Factor efforts
Test of toughness
Calculation of K
Influence of Y.S.
Specimen thickness
Testing Procedures
Influence of microstructure
Introduction and types of fatigue
Life and fatigue
Initiation and growth of the crack
Cracked components
Creep tests and creep curves
Result of creep and creep fracture
Creep resistant materials
Creep dislocazionale
Diffusional creep
Diagrams of deformation mechanisms
electrical conduction in metals
Ohm's law resistance-conductivity
microscopic form of Ohm's law
intrinsic semiconductor
extrinsic n-type semiconductor
extrinsic p-type semiconductor
effect of temperature
pn junctions
soft magnetic materials and hard
magnetic quantities
types of magnetism
effect of T on the ferromagnetism
ferromagnetic domains
hysteresis loop
permanent magnetic materials
chemical bonds in ceramic
basic structural relationships
structures of the oxides
structures of silicates
ceramic processing
mechanical properties
thermal properties
glassy state
structure of glass
properties and applications
electrical properties
binders air
hardening process
Portland cement
cement hydration
pozzolanic cement