Course name Building engineering and architecture
Study-unit Code GP004888
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Lucio Fiorini
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2024
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code GP004895
Lecturer Lucio Fiorini
  • Lucio Fiorini
  • 45 ore - Lucio Fiorini
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline storiche per l'architettura
Sector ICAR/18
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The laboratory for history of ancient architecture (1) will provide the basis for a critical examination of ancient architecture from the points of view of buildings and settlements. Problems related to the history of architecture, construction systems and techniques, and employed materials will be discussed. A substantial part of the course will be devoted to documentation and dating methods
Reference texts Specific bibliographical details will be provided during the course
Educational objectives The lessons aim to provide students with the necessary tools to be able to analyse different contexts
Prerequisites It is presumed that students are already familiar with basic themes of the subject matter
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:- Lectures will deal with all the issues and problems regarding the archaeological research methodology- Educational trip (optional)
Other information Since the topics are of great importance, the student follows with great interest and usually reaches optimal votes if not excellent. The attendance is compulsory. Attendance is strongly recommended as listening to the lessons can be extremely suitable for better and more thorough of the themes that will be covered by the test exam
Learning verification modality The exam includes only the final oral test consisting of a discussion-interview on the topics discussed during the course and examined in-depth through recommended texts. The test aims at assuring the level of knowledge and understanding, as well as synthesis, achieved by the student. Moreover, this interview will verify that the student is able to communicate, with method, propriety of language and of exposure, what he has acquired. The duration of the test varies depending on the performance of the test itself
Extended program Laboratory for history of ancient architecture (1). The course will provide the basis for a critical examination of ancient architecture from the points of view of buildings and settlements. Problems related to the history of architecture, construction systems and techniques, and employed materials will be discussed. A substantial part of the course will be devoted to documentation and dating methods
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Quality education


Code GP004894
Lecturer Lucio Fiorini
  • Lucio Fiorini
  • 81 ore - Lucio Fiorini
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline storiche per l'architettura
Sector ICAR/18
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Course Syllabus:
History of Architecture from the Minoan-Mycenaean Age to the Carolingian Age. The course will deal with the basic information concerning Greek, Roman, Italic and Early Medieval architecture, the structural and technical characteristics of the monuments and, in particular, the philosophy of the ancient forms of settlement, including the relationship of these forms with the present situation of territory, landscape and environment
Reference texts (Recommended Readings): H. Berve, G. Gruben, I templi greci, Firenze 1962; P. Gros, L’architettura romana. Dagli inizi del III secolo a.C. alla fine dell’alto impero, Milano 1996 (Longanesi); C. Tosco, Il castello, la casa, la chiesa, Architettura e società nel medioevo, Torino 2003 (Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi); M.C. Bozzoni, V. Franchetti Pardo, G. Ortolani, A. Viscogliosi, L’architettura del mondo antico, Roma-Bari 2006 (Ed. Laterza); E. Lippolis, M. Liviadiotti, G. Rocco, Architettura greca. Storia dei monumenti del mondo della polis dalle origini al V secolo, Milano 2007 (Bruno Mondadori Editore); C. Tosco, L’architettura medievale in Italia, Bologna 2016 (Il Mulino); AA.VV., Lineamenti di Storia dell’architettura, varie edizioni (Sovera Edizioni)
Educational objectives As result, the student is expected to show full possess of the basic information concerning Greek, Roman, Italic and Early Medieval architecture, the structural and technical characteristics of the monuments and, in particular, the philosophy of the ancient forms of settlement, including the relationship of these forms with the present situation of territory, landscape and environment
Prerequisites No
Teaching methods The course includes lectures in class, a laboratory with the aim of investigating in depth structural aspects and significance of monuments and buildings of antiquity, and a final study journey with 40 hours of lectures on ancient sites
Other information Since the topics are of great importance, the student follows with great interest and usually reaches optimal votes if not excellent. Attendance is strongly recommended as listening to the lessons can be extremely suitable for better and more thorough of the themes that will be covered by the test exam
Learning verification modality The exam includes only the final oral test consisting of a discussion-interview on the topics discussed during the course and examined in-depth through recommended texts. The test aims at assuring the level of knowledge and understanding, as well as synthesis, achieved by the student. Moreover, this interview will verify that the student is able to communicate, with method, propriety of language and of exposure, what he has acquired. The duration of the test varies depending on the performance of the test itself
Extended program Programma: The course will deal with the basic information concerning Greek, Roman, Italic and Early Medieval architecture, the structural and technical characteristics of the monuments and, in particular, the philosophy of the ancient forms of settlement, including the relationship of these forms with the present situation of territory, landscape and environment
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Quality education