Course name Design
Study-unit Code A002529
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Bruno Brunone
CFU 10
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code A002530
Location PERUGIA
Lecturer Bruno Brunone
  • Bruno Brunone
  • 45 ore - Bruno Brunone
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector ICAR/01
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents This second module is entirely dedicated to the analysis of the most important types of devices used in the water industry, not neglecting those constructive aspects that may or may not determine their success and sustainability.
Reference texts Notes of the teachers distributed during the course.

K. A. Breisch, Fountains: Splash and Spectacle, Thames and Hudson, London 1998.
H. Dreiseitl, Dieter Grau, K. H.C. Ludwig, Waterscapes: Planen, Bauen und Gestalten Mit Wasser, Basel 2001.
E. Di Franco, Rubinetti. Il design della migliore produzione, Motta Editore, Milano 2003.
H. Kinkade-Levario, Design for Water: Rainwater Harvesting, Stormwater Catchement, and Alternate Water Resuse, New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island 2007.
A. Lohrer, Basics Designing with Water, Birkhäuser, Basel 2008.
H. Dreiseitl, Dieter Grau, Recent Waterscapes: Planning, Building and Designing with Water, Birkhäuser, Basel 2009.
J. Jain-Neubauer, Water Design: Environment and Histories, Marg Publications, Mumbai 2016.
P. Cavagneri, Maria Adriana Giusti, Roberto Revelli, Scienza Idraulica e restauro dei giardini, Celid, Torino 2009.
D. Citrini, G. Noseda, Idraulica, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 2012.
Educational objectives The main aim of the course is to provide students with the tools to design and verify devices used in the water industry. In such a context, the course will make students aware of the experimental methods in fluid mechanics - applicable to the Interior Design, Exhibit Design, Retail Design or Product Design -to conjugate the rational approach with the needs of a modern and functional design in which water flow plays a crucial role.
Prerequisites According to the characteristics of the course, no prerequisite is required.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
1) lectures on all the topics of the
2) exercises about all the practical topics discussed during the
3) laboratory tets at the Water Engineering Laboratory of the
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale
Other information As additional teaching activity, students will execute tests at the Water
Engineering Laboratory (WEL). Specifically, steady- and unsteady state
tests will be carried out in pressurized pipes to analyze energy dissipation
and pressure wave mechanisms. Moreover open channel flow tests will
be considered in the laboratory channel.
Learning verification modality The exam consists of an oral test.
Extended program Short pipes: analysis of functioning conditions

Sudden expansion of a pressurised flow: the Borda equation. Minor losses (inlets, valves, bends, outlets,...). Hydraulic grade line. Short and long pipes. Problems.
Regulating and sectioning devices and their main components.
Operating principle of operating machines (pumps) and applications
Introductory notes on design of fountains
Design of irrigation systems for sprinklers and devices
Free-surface devices


Code A002528
Location PERUGIA
Lecturer Bruno Brunone
  • Bruno Brunone
  • Silvia Meniconi (Codocenza)
  • Caterina Capponi (Codocenza)
  • 18 ore - Bruno Brunone
  • 9 ore (Codocenza) - Silvia Meniconi
  • 18 ore (Codocenza) - Caterina Capponi
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector ICAR/01
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The behavior of the fluids and their main properties.
Statics of liquids.
Kinematics of liquids and flow equations.
Weakly dissipative flow processes.
Laminar and turbulent uniform flow.
Artificial porous media.
Reference texts B. Brunone, S. Meniconi e C. Capponi (2021). Fondamenti di Meccanica dei Fluidi Incomprimibili per allievi del corso di Laurea in Design. Morlacchi Editore U.P. (ISBN/EAN 9788893922692).
Distributed free of charge to students.
Educational objectives The main aim of this course is to lay the foundations of the fluid behavior from both the qualitative and quantitative point of view.
Prerequisites There is no prerequisite.
Teaching methods The course is divided into lessons and exercises. If allowed, some practical applications will be take place at the Water Engineering Laboratory (WEL) of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Other information At the end of the course some summary lessons will take place.
Learning verification modality The exam is oral.
Extended program The behavior of the fluids and their main properties (density, specific weight, no-slip condition, Newton law and viscosity measurement, stresses in a liquid, non-dimensional numbers (Reynolds number and Froude number), equation of state and compressibility, vapor pressure and solubility of air in water).

Statics of liquids (Stevin law, pressure distribution in a still liquid, pressure measurement).

Kinematics of liquids and flow equations (flow field characterization, flow discharge, gradually varied flow and the related pressure distribution, continuity equation, Bernoulli theorem, extension of the Bernoulli theorem to real liquids, discharge measurement).

Weakly dissipative flow processes (Pitot tube, outflow processes and Torricelly equation, Venturi process).

Laminar and turbulent uniform flow (Reynolds results, Moodu diagram, friction formulas).

Artificial porous media (Darcy law, the moka principle of functioning).