Course name | Planet life design |
Study-unit Code | A001931 |
Curriculum | Comune a tutti i curricula |
Lecturer | Francesca Castano' |
CFU | 6 |
Course Regulation | Coorte 2023 |
Supplied | 2023/24 |
Supplied other course regulation | |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Scienze umane, sociali, psicologiche ed economiche |
Sector | ICAR/18 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Type of learning activities | Attività formativa monodisciplinare |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | The course is divided into three thematic parts. The first part, with a methodological slant, deals with a detailed analysis of the historiography of Heritage Design, its genesis and the development of a recent narrative. In a second part, the phenomenon of Heritage Design on a planetary scale, from late 19th century conflicts to post-war scenarios, will be analysed at length. Finally, a third part will proceed with the presentation of the great national design palimpsest, identifying the cultural imprint left by Design in Italy throughout the 20th century. A specific in-depth study will be dedicated to the theme of the Design archives, as new cultural deposits of reference and elaborating with the students a systematic collection of information aimed at the valorisation of the documentation found in a research context. |
Reference texts | 2022, Elena Dellapiana, L'invenzione del Made in Italy, Torino, PB Einaudi 2021, ed.ampliata, Maurizio Vitta, Il progetto della bellezza, Torino, PB Einaudi; 2016, Maurizio Vitta, Le voci delle cose, Torino, PB Einaudi; 2008, Matteo Vercelloni, Breve storia del design italiano, Roma, Carocci; Additional in-depth teaching material will be provided for students, including a collection of images specific to the course topics. |
Educational objectives | The course aims to orientate students in the knowledge of the History of Design and to identify, in particular, a selection of projects marked by the theme of sustainability and the construction of cultural identities, at different latitudes. In this direction, the course aims to transmit the ability to understand methods and tools for the historical analysis of the heritage of Design from the scale of the object to that of the environment, in relation to the transformations of lifestyles, from the home to the city and the planet. Students will thus acquire the ability to manage the complexity of the cultural apparatus connected to the design heritage, as well as to formulate hypotheses for its protection, management and innovative use, with a view to sustainability, inclusion and participation. |
Prerequisites | Knowledge of the fundamentals of European and global historical evolution. |
Teaching methods | Lectures, projections of visual content and thematic meetings aimed at exercising the student's cognitive and expressive skills. Attendance is compulsory for 70% of the total number of hours envisaged. Specific indications on the bibliography of reference will be provided at the end of each topic dealt with in the classroom. |
Other information | The course includes a series of in-depth thematic seminars with external speakers and visits. |
Learning verification modality | The verification of learning takes place through the preparation of a summary paper on the case file chosen by each student and the final exam, consisting of an oral test, which consists of an interview on the year's work and a maximum of three open-ended questions on the topics of the course, lasting no more than about 30 minutes. In the thirtieth evaluation the result of the papers and the oral test have a weight of 30% and 70% respectively, with the common objective of verifying the knowledge of general and particular topics ((Dublin 1 descriptor ), the acquisition of methodologies (Dublin 2descriptor), historical-critical skills (Dublin 3 descriptor) and the ability to synthesize and logic-deductive skills, as stimulated by the examination itself (Dublin 4 descriptor). The final assessment will be set by the Commission in thirtieth. |
Extended program | First part: History and Historiography of Design; Second part: from the great Exhibitions from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. The dialogue between West and East. Declination of the binomial form-function from the early twentieth century avant-garde to the experiences of the Bauhaus school, understood as the founding moment of contemporary culture. Presentation of the articulated rationalist and organic geography in different national contexts, through a review of the masters of the twentieth century, alongside the designers, sometimes neglected by historiography. Third part: The double line of design in Italy: between art and technique, metaphysics and futurism, project and product. Perspectives and glimpses of design scenarios in the post-industrial era, marked by the consumption of functionalism and the advent of electronics. A reconnaissance around the utility-vanity juncture from the 'radical' break-ups of the 1970s to the 'nihilism' of the new millennium. Reconnaissance of the deposits of Design; the archives of Design; choice of the case study. |
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile | 4-5-11-15 |