Course name | Planet life design |
Study-unit Code | A003359 |
Curriculum | Comune a tutti i curricula |
Lecturer | Maria Dolores Morelli |
CFU | 16 |
Course Regulation | Coorte 2023 |
Supplied | 2023/24 |
Supplied other course regulation | |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Type of learning activities | Attività formativa integrata |
Partition |
Code | A003361 |
CFU | 6 |
Lecturer | Maria Dolores Morelli |
Lecturers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Design e comunicazioni multimediali |
Sector | ICAR/13 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Design Thinking is one of the teachings of the DESIGN AND INNOVATION LABORATORY aimed at transferring skills for the definition of innovative processes, products and services according to the logic and approaches of design for the sustainability and well-being of people and the environment. (cf. DIRECTIVE 2009/125/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 21 October 2009). The laboratory, as a whole, intends to represent processes, products, systems, materials and plants of design oriented in its strategic dimension. Within these general themes, the teaching of Design Thinking will address specific issues such as: - The design process intended for personas, people whose experiences, needs, aspirations, desires in terms of quality are detected - the concept of creative industry in relation to design thinking and strategies Within these general themes, the teaching of Design Thinking will address specific issues such as: - The design process intended for personas, people whose experiences, needs, aspirations, desires in terms of quality are detected - the concept of creative industry in relation to design thinking and strategies - the evolution of the concept of creative industry towards the concept of creative ecosystem - the tangible and intangible values of creative ecosystems- the evolution of the concept of innovation, strategies and methods for continuous innovation, visions and methodologies of design thinking. |
Reference texts | 1) Morelli M.D.:(2022) La mimesi e il binomio continuità/discrezione, in “Op.Cit.”n. 174 2) Fortunato E., (2019) La Carta di Assisi. Le parole non sono pietre, San Paolo Edizioni, Roma 3) Di Fabio I. Testa F. (2014) L'impronta ambientale di prodotto per la competitività delle PMI. LCA Life Cycle Assessment come supporto per l'ecodesign, l'innovazione e il marketing dei prodotti del Made in Italy e dei distretti industriali, Franco Angeli, Milano 4) Ranzo P., Sbordone M.A., Veneziano R., (2010) Doing for Peace. design e pratiche per la cooperazione internazionale Franco Angeli, Milano 5) Vezzoli C., Veneziano R., (a cura di) (2009) Pratiche sostenibili. Itinerari del design nella ricerca italiana, Alinea Edizioni, Firenze. 6) Morelli M.D., (2002) Design Mediterraneo, La scuola di Pitagora, Napoli 7) DIRETTIVA 2009/125/CE DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO E DEL CONSIGLIO del 21 ottobre 2009 "Establishment of a framework for the development of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products (recast)". |
Educational objectives | The profound global changes, the fluidity of contemporary productive organizations that generate value, the size of the crisis and its structural characteristics indicate the need to build paths capable of integrating territorial geographies, material culture, innovation, people and institutions in a creative ecosystem. The course aims to provide critical, interpretive, practical knowledge for the definition of eco-oriented processes, products and services at different scales. The main knowledge acquired will be: -knowledge of the main causes of alterations in the quality of life; -theoretical foundations of eco-oriented strategies; -knowledge of design practices related to environmental sustainability with particular attention to good practices even outside Europe. The main skills acquired will be: - ability to identify the theoretical and formal reference framework; - ability to choose and critically analyze case studies, highlighting their requirements and characteristics; - ability to read, interpret the identified needs and define possible solutions. The student will have to acquire the ability to govern the methodological, critical and operational tools for the development of tangible and intangible processes and products also in relation to the other courses present in the Laboratory. |
Prerequisites | Nobody. |
Teaching methods | The course is divided into theoretical lessons, seminars, ex-tempore, workshops. |
Other information | There are hours of reception students on site and online for the verification of the papers. |
Learning verification modality | The verification of the learning of the course contents takes place through two tests: an intermediate one on the theoretical contents and a final one on the project theme. The intermediate test aims to ascertain the ability to understand, elaborate and interpret the theoretical readings and examples, in the elaboration of a report with a review of case studies, critically analyzed. The workshop on themes common to local / international design initiatives aims to ascertain the learning of the skills to govern the project through the exhibition of the work with descriptive, graphic / technical drawings and a prototype of the artifact. The tests, intermediate and final, are aimed at ascertaining: - the level of knowledge of the theoretical contents of the course; - the level of competence in exposing their knowledge; - autonomy of judgment. The oral exam also has the objective of verifying the student's ability to use a vocabulary appropriate to the topics of the course, to sustain a dialectical relationship during the interview and to demonstrate logical-deductive and synthetic skills in the presentation. The overall evaluation of the exam arises from the sum of the results of all tests (intermediate and final) with marks ranging from 18/30 to 30/30. |
Extended program | The profound global changes, the fluidity of contemporary productive organizations that generate value, the size of the crisis and its structural characteristics indicate the need to build paths capable of integrating territorial geographies, material culture, innovation, people and institutions in a creative ecosystem. The course aims to provide critical, interpretive, practical knowledge for the definition of eco-oriented processes, products and services at different scales. The course aims to provide critical, interpretive, practical knowledge for the definition of eco-oriented processes, products and services at different scales. The teaching of Design Thinking will address specific topics such as: The design process intended for personas, people whose experiences, needs, aspirations, desires in terms of quality are detected - the concept of creative industry in relation to design thinking and strategies- the evolution of the concept of creative industry towards the concept of creative ecosystem - the tangible and intangible values of creative ecosystems - the evolution of the concept of innovation, strategies and methods for continuous innovation, the visions and methodologies of design thinking. The course is divided into the following teaching units. 1. Methodological approaches to the project. 2. Critical analysis of case studies. 3. Seminars and Workshops in relation to local/international project initiatives; 4. needs analysis, definition of the incipit, development of the project, prototyping of the artifact. |
Code | A003362 |
CFU | 5 |
Lecturer | Luigi Maffei |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Sector | ING-IND/11 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | Systems and home automation: principles of operation of air conditioning and air conditioning systems, lighting and sound diffusion systems, home automation systems and technological evolution, analysis of potential and possible applications in design. Presentation of case studies and preparation of new proposals. |
Reference texts | Notes (documents, slides) provided by the teacher available on UNISTUDIUM |
Educational objectives | The main objective of the teaching module is to provide students with the basic knowledge of the operation of the systems, their integration into home automation systems, and their use in design. With these notions, the student will be able to implement/develop strategies, products, and services aimed at coping, in an innovative and effective way, with the changes taking place at the environmental level. It will also be able to know the parameters that affect the comfort of the human being in a perspective of human-centred design in order to optimize resources for the operation of plants and, therefore, maximize energy savings. |
Prerequisites | Not required |
Teaching methods | The course is organized as follows: - Lessons in the classroom on all the topics of the course - Classroom exercises with presentation and discussion on case studies - Group work for the elaboration of a proposal for a strategy, product or service that contemplates the use of renewable energy sources |
Other information | There are on-site student reception hours and online and group reception hours for verifying the projects. |
Learning verification modality | The exam includes an oral test and the presentation of a technical paper and/or project (strategy, product, or service) developed independently or in groups during the course. The oral exam consists of a discussion lasting 15 minutes aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding the student reached on the program's contents. In the phase of presentation of the paper and/or project and the phase of request for clarification by the members of the examination commission, for a total duration of 15 minutes, the student will have to demonstrate communication skills with language properties but also critical analysis skills with the indication of the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed solutions. |
Extended program | Overview of basic concepts of thermo-hygrometric wellness: - Definition of thermo-hygrometric well-being - Thermal comfort and well-being indices - Thermal discomfort Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems: - Overview of wet air properties, psychrometric diagram, and elementary transformations - Main types and components of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems - Elements of design and operation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems - Management and control of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems Lighting and sound diffusion systems: - References to lighting and acoustics - Design and operation of lighting and sound diffusion systems - Management and control of lighting and sound diffusion systems The home automation system: - Definitions - Technologies - Projects - Standards Networks, cabling, and transmission media: - Local Communication Networks (LANs) - BUS system - Wireless local area networks (WLAN) Standard of communication - International standards - European standards - American Standards Application areas of integrated design: - Security - Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, artificial lighting, and sound diffusion - Consumption Management and Energy Saving Overview of case studies (strategies, products, services) at the international, national, and local levels |
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile | 3,7,12 |
Code | A003363 |
CFU | 5 |
Lecturer | Luigi Torre |
Lecturers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Affine/integrativa |
Area | Attività formative affini o integrative |
Sector | ING-IND/22 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |