Course name Planet life design
Study-unit Code A003354
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Claudia Mazzeschi
  • Claudia Mazzeschi
  • Giorgio Ghizzoni
  • Antonio Cosenza
  • 36 ore - Claudia Mazzeschi
  • 6 ore - Giorgio Ghizzoni
  • 6 ore - Antonio Cosenza
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Scienze umane, sociali, psicologiche ed economiche
Sector M-PSI/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian.
Contents The course is devoted to introduce students to a historical-conceptual path of the main models of the mind and human functioning in the psychoanalysis area.
Reference texts Lis, A., Mazzeschi, C., Zennaro, A. (2002). La psicoanalisi. Un percorso concettuale tra tradizione e attualità. Carocci.

Auchincloss, E. (2016). Il modello psicoanalitico della mente. Raffello Cortina Editore.

Mitchell S.A., Black, M.J. (1995), L'esperienza della psicoanalisi: Storia del pensiero psicoanalitico moderno. Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 1996. Introduction, Chapters 1, 2 (no Jacobson), 4, 6 (Erikson)

Freud, S. (1901). Psicopatologia della vita quotidiana. In Opere, Vol. 4. Bollati Boringhieri
Freud, S. (1905). Tre saggi sulla teoria sessuale. In Opere, Vol. 4. Bollati Boringhieri.
Freud, S. (1899). L’interpretazione dei sogni (1900). In Opere, Vol. 3. Bollati Boringhieri
Freud, S. (1895). Progetto di una psicologia per neurologi. In Opere, Vol. 2. Bollati Boringhieri

Mahler, M., Pine, F., Bergman, A. (1975). La nascita psicologica del bambino. Boringhieri
Klein, M. (1991). Il nostro mondo adulto e altri saggi. Freud, A. (1967). L'Io e I meccanismi di difesa. Edizioni Psicho
Hartmann, H. (1990). Psicologia dell'Io e problema dell'adattamento

Other material will be made available based on the teaching activities that will be carried out during the lectures.

The reference texts are valid for all students who will be taking the examination, attending, non-attending, working, students with disabilities, and/or DSA.

Please note that the final syllabus will in any case be communicated by the lecturer at the beginning of the course.
Educational objectives The course objectives are defined as follows concerning the following domains:
Knowledge and understanding skills:
To enable the student to become acquainted with the basic principles of classical and contemporary psychoanalytic thought, the main psychodynamic models of the mind, and development.
Application of knowledge: to enable the student to acquire skills in the psychodynamic reading of events relating to human functioning (uni and bi-personal).
Autonomy of judgment: the student will be able to integrate knowledge acquired at a theoretical level with the specificity of concrete cases for understanding human functioning.
Communication: the student will acquire specific terminology that will enable him/her to communicate with specialists (and non-specialists) in the field and/or in an interdisciplinary manner.
Ability to learn: the student will develop the competence to study independently and to research specialized material in the sector also and through the use of bibliographic research in sector databases.
Prerequisites To understand the theoretical intervention models proposed in the lecture, it is important that the student has
listening and comprehension skills.
Teaching methods Lectures.
Invited expert seminars (if possible).
Participatory activities with students in the classroom (if possible).
Other information During the course, the student can check the course material and any announcements/notices from the lecturer on UniStudium.
Learning verification modality There is a final assessment consisting of a written examination lasting 1 hour and 5 minutes divided into two parts:
Part One: 30 multiple-choice questions on the program (20 minutes)
Part two: 3 open-ended questions on the program (45 minutes)

Evaluation criteria:
- Closed questions: 1 point for a correct answer/ 0 points for a wrong or missing answer

- Open questions: each question is marked in thirtieths; assessment criteria: Correctness of the answer (relevance) Coherence of the answer
Centring of the answer

Final grade: average of marks obtained on closed and open questions.

Students with disabilities and/or SLDs will have up to a maximum of 30% more time to take the test and may use any compensatory tools. Students with disabilities and/or SLDs are invited to visit the page on tools and measures and to agree in advance on what is necessary with the Professor (

If the student intends to take the exam a year before the year scheduled in the study plan, it is recommended that he/she attend the cycle of lessons and take the exam in the first useful call after the lessons have ended, thus respecting the semester of the teaching schedule.
Extended program The course in Dynamic Psychology aims to offer students approaching the study of this subject for the first time, a historical-conceptual pathway through the study of the main models of the mind and human functioning elaborated in psychoanalysis and more recently in Infant Research (Module II). Attention is given to the study of the main models of development in psychoanalysis and dynamic psychology as well as to the applicative (clinical) implications of these models. Attention is given to the study of both normal functioning and pathology also with a look at the encounter between psychoanalytic-psychodynamic theoretical models and the neurosciences.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages