Course name | Planet life design |
Study-unit Code | A003378 |
Curriculum | Comune a tutti i curricula |
Lecturer | Benedetta Terenzi |
CFU | 17 |
Course Regulation | Coorte 2023 |
Supplied | 2024/25 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Type of learning activities | Attività formativa integrata |
Partition |
Code | A003380 |
CFU | 5 |
Lecturer | Vincenzo Cirillo |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Discipline tecnologiche e ingegneristiche |
Sector | ICAR/17 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | Italian |
Contents | The course aims to provide the necessary skills for the creation, elaboration and development of communication projects based on the ethical culture of project and which employ the main representation graphic languages. |
Reference texts | Steiner, A. Il mestiere di grafico. Einaudi, Torino (1978). Cirafici, A. Disegno e graphic design. Dall'investigazione grafica all'attribuzione di senso. La Scuola di Pitagora, Napoli (2012). Zerlenga, O. Dalla grafica all’infografica. Nuove frontiere della rappresentazione nel progetto di prodotto e di comunicazione. Clauio Grenzi Editore, Foggia (2007). Bollini, L., Branzaglia, C. (a cura di). No brand more profit. Etica e comunicazione. AIAP edizioni, Milano (2003). Piscitelli, D. First things first. Comunicare le emergenze. Il design per una contemporane-ità fragile. LIStLab, Trento (2019). Suggerimenti bibliografici specifici forniti durante le lezioni. |
Educational objectives | The main objective of the course is to provide a project methodology based on a critical approach and on the principles of ethical communication, which can be applied to different project contexts. A further objective is the acquisition of knowledge of the main techniques and digital tools for graphic design. |
Prerequisites | Basic principles and tools of graphic design: elements of visual perception, composition and representation, basic knowledge of the main software for graphics in both the raster and vectorial environment. |
Teaching methods | The course includes both theoretical lessons and practical design activities focusing on specific topics. |
Other information | - |
Learning verification modality | The practical project activities, both individual and in groups, will be assessed during the course by means of periodic reviews of the work carried out. The examination consists of an oral discussion aimed at ascertaining the project, critical and relational skills acquired during the course. |
Extended program | The course aims to provide the necessary skills for the creation, elaboration and development of communication projects based on the ethical culture of the project and which employ the main graphic languages. The theoretical lectures and practical activities will focus on the following topics, which will be treated in a synergic and non-monographic way. - Methodology of the graphic design - Perception and composition - Graphic languages and their application - Ethical and public utility communication - Graphic communication for emergency - Graphic communication for health |
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile |
Code | A003379 |
CFU | 6 |
Lecturer | Benedetta Terenzi |
Lecturers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Design e comunicazioni multimediali |
Sector | ICAR/13 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | English |
Code | A003381 |
CFU | 6 |
Lecturer | Paolo Di Nardo |
Lecturers |
Hours |
Learning activities | Caratterizzante |
Area | Design e comunicazioni multimediali |
Sector | ICAR/13 |
Type of study-unit | Obbligatorio (Required) |
Language of instruction | ITALIAN |
Contents | The programme is aimed at the study and design of space through the use, function and culture of living and being together.¿In the Design Workshop II (interior) course, the fundamental elements of the analysis and design of the outdoor interior space are introduced.¿Knowledge of space through images, examples, organisation charts, design schemes, which are part of the small-scale project. |
Reference texts | * Armato, F. (2019). In/Out interior design, DIDApress University of Florence, Firenze. * Armato, F. (2016). Design per la città, il progetto degli spazi esterni, Navarra Editore, Palermo. * Di Nardo, P. (2024). Mutazione e design: L’evoluzione della resilienza creativa. AND Rivista di Architetture, Città e Architetti, 45(1). * Di Nardo, P. (2023). Future interior design. AND Rivista di Architetture, Città e Architetti, 44(2). * Di Nardo, P. (2019). Interior design - La cultura della mutazione. In: P. Di Nardo, A. Melis. Resilience Design, pp. 11-51, DNA Editore, ISBN:9788890394775. * Di Nardo, P. (2018). Pechino, le "Bolle" dell'Hutong (Beijing, Hutong Bubble). INTERNI. LA RIVISTA DELL'ARREDAMENTO, vol. Aprile 2018, pp. 24-29, ISSN:1122-3650. * Di Nardo, P. (2018). Disegnare lo spazio. AND, vol. 33, pp. 74-77, ISSN:1723-9990. * Di Nardo, P. (2017). Vestire l'architettura. AND, vol. 31, pp. 32-35, ISSN:1723-9990 |
Educational objectives | The training objective of the Interior Design course is to provide students with the necessary skills to elaborate and develop a project among the city interiors: idea - exercise on physical space - knowledge of materials - technology applied to materials - project control and layout.¿Acquire skills concerning the reading of the project space (inspections - surveys - exercise of dimensional proportions), the analysis of the indications (needs - requirements - expectations) coming from the community. Studying and analysing the public open space and developing the ability to imagine and design innovative solutions that meet people's needs. |
Prerequisites | Students must have a knowledge of technical drawing and a good ability to read physical space, proportions and dimensional relations.¿An interest in small-scale design with the curiosity to observe space in its details, trying to create new living balances.¿ Creation of new spaces that respect the uses and culture of those who will use them. |
Teaching methods | Teaching will take place through lectures, exercises, meetings, collective and individual reviews.¿The student must demonstrate the ability to "read" and "interpret" the work of an architect, to discover how certain spaces were imagined and above all how they were drawn and graphically rendered; to understand their colours, materials, volumes, internal spatial distributions and quantities. The project must be represented comprehensively using the different techniques of representations, orthogonal projections, final model and rendering. |
Other information | The aim of the Interior course is to present the subject of Interior Design in all its expressions and fields of application, while providing the theoretical knowledge necessary for design.¿The course will follow an ideal line that links objects to the city (in the past it was said from the spoon to the city), firstly dealing with the theme of living and then with the themes of interior design and exhibitions, finally concluding with the design of outdoor spaces.¿Considering the breadth of the topics covered, the course cannot necessarily be exhaustive but will provide the basic elements of the main fields of application of Interior Design, referring to the subsequent Interior Design courses for more in-depth thematic studies. |
Learning verification modality | The examination consists of the presentation and discussion of the individual exercises carried out during the course and the final project, also presented in groups. This is supplemented by the evaluation of the learning of theoretical topics. Criteria for the evaluation of the final examination - course attendance; - individual assessments of the preparatory exercises; - exposition and synthesis capacity in the presentation of the work carried out; - the graphical and compositional quality of the representation of all the preparatory exercises that contribute to the formation of the final assessment; - degree of theoretical learning: the result of the examination questioning on the course content; - recognising motivation in objects; - designing motivation and having it recognised in form. |
Extended program | - From design to product: the stages of conception, engineering and production. - Unitised and compartmentalised process of conception, production, consumption. - Main theories of work organisation. - Design for production: rules, techniques, regulations and practices. - Design and quality: common qualities, apparent qualities, standard qualities, ergonomic qualities. - Product and system quality certification. - Technical standards and technical rules (outline). |