Course name Civil and environmental engineering
Study-unit Code 70721512
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Filippo Ubertini
  • Filippo Ubertini
  • 96 ore - Filippo Ubertini
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2023
Supplied 2025/26
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Ingegneria civile
Sector ICAR/09
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Recalls of mass geometry. Insights into structural analysis: determination of the elastic line, force method, three-moment equation for the resolution of continuous beams, displacement method. The methodology of structural design. Probabilistic theory of safety. Models of actions and materials. Italian regulations and Eurocodes. Measurement of safety in terms of forces, stress components, tensions. Serviceability limit states. Steel constructions: materials; calculation criteria; strength checks; stability checks; practical design and execution rules; regulations. Reinforced concrete constructions: materials; technology; calculation criteria; practical design and execution rules; regulations. Creep and shrinkage of concrete.

The Course is accompanied by Exercises, within which the projects of a steel construction and a reinforced concrete construction are developed.
Reference texts Teaching material made available on UNISTUDIUM.

E.Cosenza, G.Manfredi, M.Pecce "Strutture in cemento armato - Basi della progettazione - Terza Edizione" Hoepli, 2019.

Radogna, E. F.: "Tecnica delle Costruzioni", Voll. 1 e 2, Zanichelli

Mezzina, M.: "Fondamenti di Tecnica delle Costruzioni", Città Studi Edizioni

Ballio, G.; Mazzolani, F.M.: Strutture in acciaio, Hoepli

Giangreco, E: Teoria e tecnica delle costruzioni, Vol. I, Liguori editore 1991
Educational objectives Structural Analysis and Design is the first course in which the theoretical knowledge acquired in Mathematical Physics and Structural Mechanics courses is applied to the design of structural elements commonly used in reinforced concrete and steel civil constructions.

The main educational objective of the course is to acquire the ability to design steel and reinforced concrete structures of recurring typologies, at an executive level, as required by current regulations on constructions. Such skill constitutes a fundamental element within the professional competencies required of civil and environmental engineers.

The main acquired knowledge will be:

• Basic knowledge regarding the probabilistic and semi-probabilistic approach to structural safety issues;
• Basic knowledge regarding the modeling of loads acting on civil structures;
• Basic knowledge to understand and model the mechanical behavior of structural elements in reinforced concrete and steel, even in nonlinear fields;
• Basic knowledge to understand the methodological approach of current technical regulations on constructions;
• Basic elements for the design of the structural system of buildings in reinforced concrete and steel.

The main abilities (i.e., the ability to apply the acquired knowledge) will be:

• Perform static checks at the SLE (Serviceability Limit State) and ULS (Ultimate Limit State) of structural elements in reinforced concrete or steel;
• Identify the design constraints that determine the sizing of structures in reinforced concrete and steel;
• Acquire the fundamental basics for the executive design representation of reinforced concrete and steel constructions and for the preparation of a calculation report;
• Know and be able to apply technical standards on constructions.
Prerequisites The background knowledge needed to achieve the objectives of the course are the following:

• Strength of materials: fundamentals of elasticity and Energetic Theorems, static analysis of of statically determinate and undeterminate structures.

This knowledge is an indispensable prerequisite for the student who wants to follow the course successfully.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
- classroom lectures on all the topics of the course;
- classroom exercises for the verification and design of structural elements in reinforced concrete and steel and for carrying out exercises in preparation for the written test.
Other information The scope of the course is to give the theoretical bases and the code references to use steel and concrete to build civil and industrial constructions.
Learning verification modality The exam is composed of a written part and an oral eamination. The written examination consists of the solution of two excercises of practical nature.
The oral test consists of a discussion around 30 minutes long aimed at verifying: i) the level of knowledge of the theoretical- methodological contents of the course (Dublin descriptor # 1), with special reference to the methodology of structural design; to the theory of structural safety, to the Italian Building Code, to the construction made of steel and concrete, to the practical rules of design and construction, etc.., ii) the level of competence iin discussing the technical solutions useful tu build steel and concrete structures (Dublin descriptor #2), iii) the authonomy of judgement (Dublin descriptor # 3) in proposing the most effective approach fo each application case, with full awareness of the adopted hypotheses and of the physical meaning of the involved quantities. The oral examination will allow to verify the communication capability of the student with proper language and authonom organization of the exposition Dublin descriptor # 4).
Extended program Advanced structural analysis with recalls on geometry of masses and solution of statically indetermined systems using the displacement method.

The methodology of structural design. Probabilistic theory of structural safety. Models for loads and materials. Italian code and Eurocodes.

The assessment of safety in terms of loads, forces, stresses.

Serviceability conditions.

Steel structures: materials; calculation rules; structural verifications; stability analysis; practical rules for design and construction; codes.

Reinforced concrete structures: materials; technology; calculation rules; practical rules for design and construction; codes.

Concrete creep.

The Course includes practical training, during which the designs of a steel structure and of a reinforced concrete structure are developed.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Industry, innovation and infrastructure.

Sustainable cities and communities.