Instructor: Prof. Dr. Luca Caracoglia

May 2021

Course schedule (18 hours, 3CFU):

May 10: Review of probability and statistics for civil engineering students (15:00-17:00)

May 11: Review of random vibrations and structural wind engineering (15:00-17:00)

May 12: Introduction to performance-based design in structural engineering (15:00-17:00)

May 13: Wind-induced vibrations on low-damping, tall building structures: Lifecycle Cost Assesment (LCCA) and PBWE (15:00-17:00)

May 14: Pratical tutorial: Design of a PBWE - compliant structure using LCCA analysis (15:00-17:00)

May 24: Fluid-structure interaction phenomena for flexible systems: aeroelasticity (15:00-17:00)

May 25: Wind-induced vibrations on long - span bridges: wind load uncertainty propagation for Performance-Based Wind Engineering (PBWE) (15:00-17:00)

May 26: Introduction to numerical methods for risk analysis, e.g. event tree, fault tree (15:00-17:00)

May 27: From performance-based design of structures and PBWE to Resilience (15:00-17:00)
