Instructors: Prof. Dr. Luca Valentini, Prof. Dr. Filippo Ubertini, Antonella D'Alessandro


Course scheduling (5 CFU):

June 8th 2022 In Perugia (from 14 to 17).

Self-monitoring nanomaterials: principles of functioning. (3 hours) Luca Valentini

June 14th 2022 In remote (from 9 to 12).

Self-sensing composites for structural engineering applications. (4hours, 1lab) Antonella D’Alessandro

June 22th  2022 In Perugia (from 14 to 17).

Nanomaterials for energy harvesting. (3 hours) Luca Valentini

June 27th 2022 In Terni (from 9 to 12).

Materials for Critical Industrial Applications - Mechanics of vibrations, from design to aerospace applications. This lesson will be hold by Dr. Eng. Antonio Alvino Technical Director of SERMS srl a company of UMBRAGROUP SpA  (3hours) + 2 hours of Laboratory.

June 28th 2022 In Perugia/ in remote (from 9 to 13).

Sensing skins for large area monitoring. Smart pavements for road monitoring and WIM (3hours, 2lab) Filippo Ubertini and Antonella D’Alessandro