Costanza Borghesi Thesis project title: To be defined abstract |
International partner: | to be defined |
Supervisor: | Giacomo Giorgi |
International supervisor: | - |
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Nuno Miguel Da Conceicao Martins Thesis project title: A CFD approach for fault detection in pressurized pipe systems by means of transient tests abstract |
International partner: | Universidade de Lisboa - Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal |
Supervisor: | Silvia Meniconi |
Internal Co-Supervisor | Bruno Brunone |
International Co-supervisor: | Dídia Covas |
e-mail: | |
Francesco Cotana Thesis project title: Giuseppe Poggi architetto europeo. Rilievo e analisi dell'opera del progettista nel contesto nazionale ed internazionale, con particolare riferimento all'architettura residenziale. |
International partner: | to be defined |
Supervisor: | Valeria Menchetelli |
International Supervisor | to be defined |
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Filippo Cornacchini Thesis project title: Digital ecosystems for public works and representative experiments in virtual environments |
International partner: | IGOT-ULisboa |
Supervisor: | Fabio Bianconi |
International Supervisor | Paulo Morgado |
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Maria Eleonora Pipistrelli Thesis project title: To be defined abstract |
International partner: | to be defined |
Supervisor: | Massimiliano Gioffré |
International Supervisor | to be defined |
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Marco Parriani Thesis project title: Caratterizzazione e reattività di specie ioniche ed eccitate con atomi, molecole e radicali di interesse ambientale abstract: The research activity in this doctoral project was mainly carried out at the Civil and Environmental Engineering department of the University of Perugia, Italy, and at the Physics department of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, while the experimental collection of data took place at the Elettra Synchrotron Facility in Tri- este, Italy, at BESSY II at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) and at PETRA III 3rd Generation Synchrotron Radiation Source at DESY, Hamburg. The research activity involved an active collaboration with national and international research groups (Prof. Raimund Feifel, University of Gothenburg, Prof. Stefano Stranges, University of Roma la Sapienza, Dr. Michele Alagia, CNR-IOM Institute) and in general with the research staff of the GasPhase and CiPo beamlines, that resulted in experiments on various gas-phase molecules. The research was also integrated into the activities of Raimund Feifel Physics group, at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, with the collabora- tion resulted in several experiments performed at two different synchrotron facilities in Berlin and Hamburg. The collaboration with the GasPhase and CiPo staff of Elettra is a long-standing cooperation which aims at studying the electronic structure of iso- lated systems of increasing complexity such as atoms, molecules and clusters in the gas phase. The GasPhase and Circular Polarization beamlines of the Elettra storage ring cover a wide spectrum of advanced photoionization methods for a thorough de- scription of both energetics and dynamics of isolated systems. This doctoral thesis reports on a variety of experimental investigations aiming to advance the understand- ing of fundamental processes in molecules and clusters by exploiting the properties of synchrotron radiation: photoionization dynamics, double ionization, dissociation and molecular recognition were subject of investigation. The emphasis of the thesis lies on the application of advanced light sources in the study of photoionization processes in simple gas-phase molecules, with particular attention on systems that can be in- teresting in atmospheric physics and astrochemistry. Penning ionization, in particular regarding the formation of excited metastable species, as He* and Ne* by collisional excitation with energetic target particles (electrons, protons, or alpha particles, coming from the solar wind) and the possible subsequent chemi-ionization reactions (CHEMI) have been investigated. The double photoionization dynamics of various systems has been studied by the use of Photoelectron-Photoion-Photoion Coincidence spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation. Allene, a potential chirogenic molecule theorized to be present in the interstellar medium, showed for the first time four peculiar metastable species in the energy range investigated. Direct double ionization was studied for the nitrosyl chloride, a small reactive molecule of great atmospheric interest and the cyanoacetylene system, an interesting molecule that is part of the complex environ- ment of Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. The collaboration with the research group of Raimund Feifel lead to the investigation of the dissociation pathways of the main fragmentation channels of HNCS, of carbon diselenide, which can be regarded as the selenium analogue of the highly-symmetric carbon disulfide and carbon dioxide molecules, and of carbon suboxide, one of the stable members of the series of linear oxocarbons O=Cn=O, which also includes carbon dioxide and pentacarbon dioxide. |
International partner: | University of Gothenburg |
Supervisor: | Stefano Falcinelli |
Internal Co-supervisor | Giovanni Gigliotti |
International Supervisor | Raimund Feifel |
e-mail: | |
Francesco Casinini Thesis project title: Development of innovative data acquisition and transmission systems for diagnosis and control of water networks |
International partner: | to be defined |
Supervisor: | Marco Ferrante |
International Supervisor | to be defined |
e-mail: | |
Arash Rahi Thesis project title: Effect of hydroclimatic parameters on runoff generation under climate warming scenario
International partner: | Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany |
Supervisor: | Renato Morbidelli |
International Supervisor | Mehdi Rahmati |
Internal Co-supervisor: |
Jacopo Dari |
e-mail: | |
Alberto Doro Thesis project title: to be defined abstract |
International partner: | to be defined |
Supervisor: | Silvia Meniconi |
International Supervisor | to be defined |
e-mail: | |
Luciano Veritti Thesis project title: to be defined abstract |
International partner: | to be defined |
Supervisor: | Bruno Brunone |
International Supervisor | to be defined |
e-mail: | |
Mouad Rafai Thesis project title: Geo-strutture energetiche per l'edilizia green abstract |
International partner: | to be defined |
Supervisor: | Diana Salciarini |
International Supervisor | to be defined |
e-mail: | |
Desiree Muscas Thesis project title: Miglioramento delle performance ambientali e socio economiche della filiera del verde urbano abstract |
International partner: | to be defined |
Supervisor: | Flaminia Ventura |
International Supervisor | to be defined |
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