Chiara Mommi                             

Thesis project title: Artificial Intelligence in Architectural Representation


International partner:  to be defined
Supervisor: Fabio Bianconi
International supervisor:  -
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Simona Ceccaroni

Thesis project title: The representation of territorial data for urban and landscape regeneration


International partner:  to be defined
Supervisor: Fabio Bianconi
International Co-supervisor:  -
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Elisa Tomassini

Thesis project title: Physics-enhanced machine learning methods for Structural Health Monitoring of bridge networks


International partner: University of Granada
Supervisor: Filippo Ubertini
International Supervisor Enrique Garcia-Macias
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Sara Galeazzi                        

Thesis project title: Influence of land use agriculture practices on hillslope stability


International partner: to be defined
Supervisor: Diana Salciarini
International Supervisor to be defined
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Matteo Castellani                        

Thesis project title: Artificial Intelligence methodd for Drone inspection and structural health monitoring - AIDBridge


International partner: Department of Structural Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering, University of Granada
Supervisor: Filippo Ubertini
International Supervisor Ing. Fabio antonini
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Pooria Mesbahi

Thesis project title: Probabilistic methods for Structural Health Monitoring of Bridge Networks


International partner: University of Granada
Supervisor: Filippo Ubertini, Marco Breccolotti
International Supervisor Enrique García Macía
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Erica Cernuto

Thesis project title: Landslide interacting with viaducts: a combined approach based on InSAR data and geomechanics models


International partner: to be defined
Supervisor: Diana Salciarini
International Supervisor to be defined
Internal Co-supervisor:

to be defined

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Giri Prajwal

Thesis project title: New IoT (Internet of Things) Technology and data fusion for Structural Health Monitoring of Reinforced Concrete Precast Structures


International partner: to be defined
Supervisor: Ilaria Venanzi
International Supervisor to be defined
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Andrea Migliosi

Thesis project title: to be defined


International partner: to be defined
Supervisor: Fabio Bianconi
International Supervisor to be defined
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Roberta Scungio (afferenza con Dottorato nazionale "Difesa dai rischi naturali e transizione ecologica del costruito" con sede amministrativa presso l’Università di Catania)

Thesis project title: to be defined


International partner: to be defined
Supervisor: to be defined
International Supervisor to be defined
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