

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale
Università degli Studi di Perugia
via G. Duranti, 93, 06125, Perugia
Telefono +39 075 585 3954 | Fax +39 075 585 3897

E-mail: filippo.ubertini@unipg.it


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Filippo Ubertini is a Full Professor of Structural Design at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of University of Perugia where he teaches Advanced Structural Design and Earthquake Engineering and where he coordinates the International PhD Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering. He graduated cum laude in Civil Engineering at University of Perugia in 2005 and received his PhD in Civil Engineering from University of Pavia in 2009. He was visiting scholar at Columbia University in 2008. Author of more than 75 papers published in high impact international journals, his research is mainly focused on structural health monitoring, with emphasis on smart materials and applications to earthquake engineering and cultural heritage structures. He is a member of the editorial boards of: Sensors, Advances in Civil Engineering, Shock and Vibration, Mathematical Problems in Engineering and Engineering Research Express. Dr. Ubertini has been awarded by the Italian Association for Wind Engineering in 2010 and has received best papers awards in EVACES 2011 and IOMAC 2019.


  1. Structural Health Monitoring - Monitoraggio continuo dell'integrità strutturale
  2. Self-sensing cement-based nanocomposites - Sensori cementizi nanomodificati
  3. Structural Control - Tecniche innovative di controllo della risposta dinamica delle strutture
  4. Wind response of bridge structures - Modellazione della risposta aerodinamica e aeroelastica dei ponti soggetti all'azione del vento



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ASCE - International Team Develops Real-time Structural Sensors.

Iowa State University - Iowa State, Italy researchers collaborate on structural health monitoring

Engineers Work Together With University of Perugia Professors

Corriere dell'Umbria - Gli studenti di Ingegneria in visita ai cantieri della Quadrilatero [online version]

Quadrilatero SpA - Studenti Ingegneria in visita ai cantieri


  1. Meoni, A., D'Alessandro, A., Cavalagli, N., Gioffré, M., Ubertini, F., 2019, Shaking table tests on a masonry building monitored using smart bricks: Damage detection and localization, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Volume 48, Issue 8, Pages 910-928.
  2. Cavalagli, N., Kita, A., Castaldo, V., Pisello, A.L., Ubertini, F., 2019, Hierarchical environmental risk mapping of material degradation in historic masonry buildings: An integrated approach considering climate change and structural damage, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 215, Pages 998-1014
  3. García-Macías, E., Ubertini, F., 2019, Seismic interferometry for earthquake-induced damage identification in historic masonry towers, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 132, Pages 380-404
  4. Downey, A., D'Alessandro, A., Laflamme, S., Ubertini, F., 2018, Smart bricks for strain sensing and crack detection in masonry structures, Smart Materials and Structures, Volume 27, Issue 1, Article number 015009
  5. Ubertini, F., Cavalagli, N., Kita, A., Comanducci, G., 2018, Assessment of a monumental masonry bell-tower after 2016 central Italy seismic sequence by long-term SHM, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 775-801
  6. Downey, A., D'Alessandro, A., Baquera, M., García-Macías, E., Rolfes, D., Ubertini, F., Laflamme, S., Castro-Triguero, R., 2017, Damage detection, localization and quantification in conductive smart concrete structures using a resistor mesh model, Engineering Structures, Volume 148, Pages 924-935
  7. García-Macías, E., D'Alessandro, A., Castro-Triguero, R., Pérez-Mira, D., Ubertini, F., Micromechanics modeling of the uniaxial strain-sensing property of carbon nanotube cement-matrix composites for SHM applications, (2017) Composite Structures, 163, pp. 195-215.
  8. Cavalagli, N., Biscarini, C., Facci, A.L., Ubertini, F., Ubertini, S., Experimental and numerical analysis of energy dissipation in a sloshing absorber (2017), Journal of Fluids and Structures, 68, pp. 466-481.
  9. Ubertini, F., Comanducci, G., Cavalagli, N., 2016, Vibration-based structural health monitoring of a historic bell-tower using output-only measurements and multivariate statistical analysis, Structural Health Monitoring, Volume 15, Issue 4, Pages 438-457.
  10. F. Ubertini, I. Venanzi, G. Comanducci, 2015, Considerations on the implementation and modeling of an active mass driver with electric torsional servomotor, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 58: 53-69.
  11. F. Ubertini, 2014, Effects of cables damage on vertical and torsional eigenproperties of suspension bridges, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333(11): 2404-2421.
  12. F. Ubertini, A.L. Materazzi, A. D'Alessandro, S. Laflamme, 2014, Natural frequencies identification of a reinforced concrete beam using carbon nanotube cement-based sensors, Engineering Structures, 60: 265-275.
  13. A.L. Materazzi, F. Ubertini, A. D’Alessandro, 2013, Carbon nanotube cement-based transducers for dynamic sensing of strain, Cement & Concrete Composites, 37(1): 2-11.
  14. I. Venanzi, F. Ubertini, A.L. Materazzi, 2013, Optimal design of an array of active tuned mass dampers for wind-exposed high-rise buildings, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 20: 903-917.