

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale
University of Perugia, UdR INSTM
Strada di Pentima, 4 - 05100 Terni (TR) Italy
Tel. +39 0744 492918 | Fax +39 0744 492950





Short Bio

L’Attività di ricerca del Prof. Torre si espleta principalmente nel campo dei materiali polimerici e dei compositi avanzati. I suoi interessi riguardano: la caratterizzazione di matrici polimeriche per compositi; l’analisi termica, modellazione di processi di produzione dei materiali compositi; i processi di degradazione dei materiali polimerici, materiali ablativi per capsule spaziali; riciclo di materie plastiche, produzione di parti in composito per applicazioni in ultravuoto, studio del comportamento al crash di strutture sandwich a matrice polimerica, nanocompositi a matrice termoplastica e termoindurente, processi di lavorazione dei materiali compositi. Gran parte della ricerca da lui svolta è stata finanziata tramite progetti Europei tra i quali vale la pena di citare: il progetto HYCOPROD “Design of Advanced Composite Production Processes for the Systematic Manufacture of Very Large Monocoque Hybrid Composite Sandwich Structures for the Transportation Sectors” premiato con il “JEC Innovation Award” a Parigi nel 2003; il Progetto “Ecoefficient Technologies and Products Based on Natural Fiber Composites (ECOFINA) ”; il Progetto: “New Concept of High Pressure Hydraulic Filter for Aeronautics Preserving Environment. (AEROFIL)”; il progetto “A Fundamental Study of the Processing - Structure - Properties of Nanocomposites for Industrial Applications (PRONACOM)”. Nell’ambito rete di eccellenza Europea NANOFUN, il Prof. Torre è stato direttore del “Virtual Modelling Laboratoratory” che consorziava un numero di partner Europei al fine di mettere in comune le capacità e le esperienze nel campo della modellazione matematica e della simulazione dei processi riguardanti le nanotecnologie. Per quanto riguarda la ricerca istituzionale, il Prof. Torre ha partecipato a diversi progetti PRIN e CNR quale membro di Unità operativa. Inoltre e nel 2002 è stato responsabile scientifico di Unità operativa. La sua attività scientifica è testimoniata da circa di 110 pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali, su libri o atti di convegni internazionali e nazionali. Il Prof. Torre è stato membro del comitato scientifico e organizzativo di numerose conferenze internazionali e nazionali Tra le quali La XXII conferenza internazionale della Polymer Processing Society (Sorrento 1996), la SAMPE Europe International Conference (Parigi dal 1998 a Oggi), SAMPE EUROPE Technical Conference (Tolosa 2006, Madrid 2007, Augsburg 2008). Il 5 convegno Nazionale AIMAT (Spoleto 2000), VI Convegno Nazionale INSTM, (Perugia 2005), IV International Conference NANOFUN-poly (Roma 2008), COMAT 2008 (Rio de Janeiro) Per quanto riguarda l’attività didattica, il Prof. Torre dall’anno Accademico 1996-1997 ha svolto attività seminariale ed esercitazioni nell’ambito dei corsi di Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali, Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Compositi, Tecnologia dei Polimeri del corso di Laurea della Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Perugia. Dal 1999 a oggi ha avuto in affidamento presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria il corso di Scienza e Tecnologia dei materiali Compositi, il corso di Tecnologie di Polimeri 4, inoltre ha in affidamento il corso di Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali presso il Corso Interfacoltà di Tecnologie del Restauro. Inoltre fa parte del collegio dei docenti del Dottorato in “Nuovi Materiali Strutturali e Funzionali per Applicazioni Spaziali” e del Dottorato in “Nanotecnologie dei Materiali”.

Temi di ricerca

Materiali “green” e ri-valorizzazione di scarti agro-alimentari e forestali

Biomateriali e Ingegneria tissutale

Materiali per l’aerospazio e le alte temperature

Materiali funzionali

Web profiles


Lista Pubblicazioni

  1. Aluigi, A., Tonetti, C., Rombaldoni, F., Puglia, D., Fortunati, E., Armentano, I., Santulli, C., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Keratins extracted from Merino wool and Brown Alpaca fibres as potential fillers for PLLA-based biocomposites (2014) Journal of Materials Science,Article in Press.
  2. Monti, M., Armentano, I., Faiella, G., Antonucci, V., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L., Giordano, M. Toward the microstructure-properties relationship in MWCNT/epoxy composites: Percolation behavior and dielectric spectroscopy (2014) Composites Science and Technology, 96, pp. 38-46.
  3. Natali, M., Rallini, M., Puglia, D., Kenny, J., Torre, L. An armadillo-like flexible thermal protection system for inflatable decelerators: A novel paradigm (2014) Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 299 (3), pp. 379-390.
  4. Chieruzzi, M., Rallini, M., Pagano, S., Eramo, S., D'Errico, P., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Mechanical effect of static loading on endodontically treated teeth restored with fiber-reinforced posts (2014) Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials, 102 (2), pp. 384-394.
  5. Fortunati, E., Luzi, F., Puglia, D., Dominici, F., Santulli, C., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Investigation of thermo-mechanical, chemical and degradative properties of PLA-limonene films reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals extracted from Phormium tenax leaves (2014) European Polymer Journal, 56 (1), pp. 77-91.
  6. Luzi, F., Fortunati, E., Puglia, D., Lavorgna, M., Santulli, C., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Optimized extraction of cellulose nanocrystals from pristine and carded hemp fibres (2014) Industrial Crops and Products, 56, pp. 175-186.
  7. Rallini, M., Natali, M., Monti, M., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Effect of alumina nanoparticles on the thermal properties of carbon fibre-reinforced composites (2014) Fire and Materials, 38 (3), pp. 339-355.
  8. Bitinis, N., Fortunati, E., Verdejo, R., Armentano, I., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., López-Manchado, M.T. Thermal and bio-disintegration properties of poly(lactic acid)/natural rubber/organoclay nanocomposites (2014) Applied Clay Science, 93-94, pp. 78-84.
  9. Chiacchiarelli, L.M., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Kinetic and chemorheological modeling of the vitrification effect of highly reactive poly(urethane-isocyanurate) thermosets (2013) Thermochimica Acta, 574, pp. 88-97.
  10. Natali, M., Rallini, M., Puglia, D., Kenny, J., Torre, L. EPDM based heat shielding materials for Solid Rocket Motors: A comparative study of different fibrous reinforcements (2013) Polymer Degradation and Stability, Article in Press.
  11. Rallini, M., Natali, M., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Effect of boron carbide nanoparticles on the fire reaction and fire resistance of carbon fiber/epoxy composites (2013) Polymer (United Kingdom), 54 (19), pp. 5154-5165
  12. Chiacchiarelli, L.M., Monsalve, L., Vázquez, A., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. A polycaprolactone-based compatibilization treatment to improve dispersion and interphase structure of silica polyurethane composites (2013) Polymer Engineering and Science, . Article in Press.
  13. Petrucci, R., Santulli, C., Puglia, D., Sarasini, F., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Mechanical characterisation of hybrid composite laminates based on basalt fibres in combination with flax, hemp and glass fibres manufactured by vacuum infusion (2013) Materials and Design, 49, pp. 728-735.
  14. Chiacchiarelli, L.M., Puri, I., Puglia, D., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L.The relationship between nanosilica dispersion degree and the tensile properties of polyurethane nanocomposites (2013) Colloid and Polymer Science, 291 (12), pp. 2745-2753.
  15. Fortunati, E., Luzi, F., Puglia, D., Terenzi, A., Vercellino, M., Visai, L., Santulli, C., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Ternary PVA nanocomposites containing cellulose nanocrystals from different sources and silver particles: Part II (2013) Carbohydrate Polymers, 97 (2), pp. 837-848.
  16. Valentini, L., Cardinali, M., Fortunati, E., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. A novel method to prepare conductive nanocrystalline cellulose/graphene oxide composite films (2013) Materials Letters, 105, pp. 4-7.
  17. Chiacchiarelli, L.M., Rallini, M., Monti, M., Puglia, D., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. The role of irreversible and reversible phenomena in the piezoresistive behavior of graphene epoxy nanocomposites applied to structural health monitoring (2013) Composites Science and Technology, 80, pp. 73-79.
  18. Fortunati, E., Puglia, D., Luzi, F., Santulli, C., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Binary PVA bio-nanocomposites containing cellulose nanocrystals extracted from different natural sources: Part I (2013) Carbohydrate Polymers, 97 (2), pp. 825-836.
  19. Bitinis, N., Fortunati, E., Verdejo, R., Bras, J., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L., López-Manchado, M.A. Poly(lactic acid)/natural rubber/cellulose nanocrystal bionanocomposites. Part II: Properties evaluation (2013) Carbohydrate Polymers, 96 (2), pp. 621-627.
  20. Bitinis, N., Verdejo, R., Bras, J., Fortunati, E., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L., Lopez-Manchado, M.A. Poly(lactic acid)/natural rubber/cellulose nanocrystal bionanocomposites Part I. Processing and morphology (2013) Carbohydrate Polymers, 96 (2), pp. 611-620.
  21. Monti, M., Rallini, M., Puglia, D., Peponi, L., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Morphology and electrical properties of graphene-epoxy nanocomposites obtained by different solvent assisted processing methods (2013) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 46 (1), pp. 166-172.
  22. Torre, L., Puglia, D., Iannoni, A., Terenzi, A. Modeling of the chemorheological behavior of thermosetting polymer nanocomposites (2013) Modeling and Prediction of Polymer Nanocomposite Properties, pp. 255-287.
  23. Fortunati, E., Puglia, D., Monti, M., Peponi, L., Santulli, C., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Extraction of Cellulose Nanocrystals from Phormium tenax Fibres (2013) Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 21 (2), pp. 319-328.
  24. Chiacchiarelli, L.M., Puri, I., Puglia, D., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Cure kinetics of a highly reactive silica-polyurethane nanocomposite (2012) Thermochimica Acta, 549, pp. 172-178.
  25. Fortunati, E., Peltzer, M., Armentano, I., Torre, L., Jiménez, A., Kenny, J.M. Effects of modified cellulose nanocrystals on the barrier and migration properties of PLA nano-biocomposites (2012) Carbohydrate Polymers, 90 (2), pp. 948-956.
  26. Rallini, M., Monti, M., Natali, M., Puglia, D., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Graphene nanoplatelets as conductive fillers for strain sensing in epoxy nanocomposite (2012) International SAMPE Technical Conference, 3 p.
  27. Monti, M., Natali, M., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. The alignment of single walled carbon nanotubes in an epoxy resin by applying a DC electric field (2012) Carbon, 50 (7), pp. 2453-2464.
  28. Natali, M., Monti, M., Puglia, D., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Ablative properties of carbon black and MWNT/phenolic composites: A comparative study (2012) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 43 (1), pp. 174-182.
  29. Rallini, M., Monti, M., Natali, M., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Carbon fibre/epoxy composites with improved fire resistance properties (2011) International SAMPE Technical Conference, 9 p.
  30. Monti, M., Natali, M., Petrucci, R., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Impact damage sensing in glass fiber reinforced composites based on carbon nanotubes by electrical resistance measurements (2011) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 122 (4), pp. 2829-2836.
  31. Natali, M., Monti, M., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. A nanostructured ablative bulk molding compound: Development and characterization (2011) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 42 (9), pp. 1197-1204.
  32. Monti, M., Puglia, D., Natali, M., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Effect of carbon nanofibers on the cure kinetics of unsaturated polyester resin: Thermal and chemorheological modelling (2011) Composites Science and Technology, 71 (12), pp. 1507-1516.
  33. Natali, M., Monti, M., Kenny, J., Torre, L. Synthesis and thermal characterization of phenolic resin/silica nanocomposites prepared with high shear rate-mixing technique (2011) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 120 (5), pp. 2632-2640.
  34. Monti, M., Natali, M., Petrucci, R., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Carbon nanofibers for strain and impact damage sensing in glass fiber reinforced composites based on an unsaturated polyester resin (2011) Polymer Composites, 32 (5), pp. 766-775.
  35. La Tegola, S., Terenzi, A., Martini, R., Barbosa, S., Torre, L., Kenny, J. Processing and final properties improvement of polyolefin-sepiolite and carbon nanofibre nanocomposites (2011) Macromolecular Symposia, 301 (1), pp. 128-135.
  36. Monti, M., Terenzi, A., Natali, M., Gaztelumendi, I., Markaide, N., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Development of unsaturated polyester matrix - Carbon Nanofibers Nanocomposites with Improved Electrical Properties (2010) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 117 (3), pp. 1658-1666.
  37. Monti, M., Natali, M., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. MWNT-Doped epoxy matrix for detecting impact damages in fiber reinforced composites by electrical resistance measurements (2010) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1255, pp. 348-351.
  38. Natali, M., Kenny, J., Torre, L. Phenolic matrix nanocomposites based on commercial grade resols: Synthesis and characterization (2010) Composites Science and Technology, 70 (4), pp. 571-577.
  39. Torre, L., Chieruzzi, M., Kenny, J.M. Compatibilization and development of layered silicate nanocomposites based of unsatured polyester resin and customized intercalation agent (2010) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 115 (6), pp. 3659-3666.
  40. Peponi, L., Valentini, L., Torre, L., Mondragon, I., Kenny, J.M. Surfactant assisted selective confinement of carbon nanotubes functionalized with octadecylamine in a poly(styrene-b-isoprene-b-styrene) block copolymer matrix (2009) Carbon, 47 (10), pp. 2474-2480.
  41. Peponi, L., Tercjak, A., Torre, L., Mondragon, I., Kenny, J.M. Nanostructured physical gel of SBS block copolymer and Ag/DT/SBS nanocomposites (2009) Journal of Materials Science, 44 (5), pp. 1287-1293.
  42. Peponi, L., Tercjak, A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Mondragon, I. Surfactant effects on morphology-properties relationships of silver-poly(styrene-b-isoprene-b-styrene) block copolymer nanocomposites (2009) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9 (3), pp. 2128-2139.
  43. Lelli, G., Terenzi, A., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Modelling of the chemo-rheological behavior of thermosetting polymer nanocomposites (2009) Polymer Composites, 30 (1), pp. 1-12.
  44. Torre, L., Petrucci, R., Kenny, J.M. Development and characterisation of high performance, fibre reinforced nanocomposites (2008) International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (Proceedings), 52, 4 p.
  45. Terenzi, A., Vedova, C., Lelli, G., Mijovic, J., Torre, L., Valentini, L., Kenny, J.M. Corrigendum to "Chemorheological behaviour of double-walled carbon nanotube-epoxy nanocomposites" (DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2008.01.005) (2008) Composites Science and Technology, 68 (14), p. 3064.
  46. Peponi, L., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Mondragon, I. Morphology and rheological behaviour of Ag-SBS nanocomposite gels (2008) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1042, pp. 272-275.
  47. Peponi, L., Tercjak, A., Gutierrez, J., Stadler, H., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Mondragon, I. Self-assembling of SBS block copolymers as templates for conductive silver nanocomposites (2008) Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 293 (7), pp. 568-573.
  48. Terenzi, A., Vedova, C., Lelli, G., Mijovic, J., Torre, L., Valentini, L., Kenny, J.M. Chemorheological behaviour of double-walled carbon nanotube-epoxy nanocomposites (2008) Composites Science and Technology, 68 (7-8), pp. 1862-1868.
  49. Peponi, L., Tercjak, A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Mondragon, I. Morphological analysis of self-assembled SIS block copolymer matrices containing silver nanoparticles (2008) Composites Science and Technology, 68 (7-8), pp. 1631-1636.
  50. Peponi, L., Tercjak, A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Mondragon, I. Influence of the amount of silver nanoparticles in the properties of nanocomposites based on poly(styrene-b-isoprene-b-styrene) and poly(styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene) block copolymer matrix (2008) Journal of Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites, 4 (2), pp. 76-83.
  51. Peponi, L., Biagiotti, J., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Mondragòn, I. Statistical analysis of the mechanical properties of natural fibers and their composite materials. I. Natural fibers (2008) Polymer Composites, 29 (3), pp. 313-320.
  52. Zangani, D., Robinson, M., Gibson, A.G., Torre, L., Holmberg, J.A. Numerical simulation of bending and failure behaviour of z-core sandwich panels (2007) Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 36 (9), pp. 389-395.
  53. Frulloni, E., Kenny, J.M., Conti, P., Torre, L. Experimental study and finite element analysis of the elastic instability of composite lattice structures for aeronautic applications (2007) Composite Structures, 78 (4), pp. 519-528.
  54. Torre, L., Lelli, G., Kenny, J.M. Synthesis and characterization of sPS/montmorillonite nanocomposites (2006) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 100 (6), pp. 4957-4963.
  55. Frulloni, E., Salinas, M.M., Torre, L., Mariani, A., Kenny, J.M. Numerical modeling and experimental study of the frontal polymerization of the diglycidyl ether of bisphenol a/diethylenetriamine epoxy system (2005) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 96 (5), pp. 1756-1766.
  56. Torre, L., Lelli, G., Kenny, J.M. Cure kinetics of epoxy/anhydride nanocomposite systems with added reactive flame retardants (2004) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 94 (4), pp. 1676-1689.
  57. Biagiotti, J., Puglia, D., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Arbelaiz, A., Cantero, G., Marieta, C., Llano-Ponte, R., Mondragon, I. A systematic investigation on the influence of the chemical treatment of natural fibers on the properties of their polymer matrix composites (2004) Polymer Composites, 25 (5), pp. 470-479.
  58. Biagiotti, J., Fiori, S., Torre, L., López-Manchado, M.A., Kenny, J.M. Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Matrix Composites Reinforced with Natural Fibers: A Statistical Approach (2004) Polymer Composites, 25 (1), pp. 26-36.
  59. Jiménez, A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Processing and properties of recycled polypropylene modified with elastomers (2003) Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 32 (8-9), pp. 357-367.
  60. Torre, L., Frulloni, E., Kenny, J.M., Manferti, C., Camino G. Processing and characterization of epoxy-anhydride-based intercalated nanocomposites (2003) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 90 (9), pp. 2532-2539.
  61. Navarro, R., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Jiménez, A. Thermal degradation of recycled polypropylene toughened with elastomers (2003) Polymer Degradation and Stability, 82 (2), pp. 279-290.
  62. Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Evaluation of energy absorption properties of crashworthy sandwich structures (2001) International SAMPE Technical Conference, 33, pp. 1478-1490.
  63. Jiménez, A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Thermal degradation of poly(vinyl chloride) plastisols based on low-migration polymeric plasticizers (2001) Polymer Degradation and Stability, 73 (3), pp. 447-453.
  64. López Manchado, M.A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Kinetic crystallization of polypropylene in ternary composites based on fiber-reinforced PP-EPDM blends (2001) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 81 (5), pp. 1063-1074.
  65. Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Impact testing and simulation of composite sandwich structures for civil transportation (2000) Composite Structures, 50 (3), pp. 257-267.
  66. López Manchado, M.A., Biagiotti, J., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Effects of reinforcing fibers on the crystallization of polypropylene (2000) Polymer Engineering and Science, 40 (10), pp. 2194-2204.
  67. Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Boghetich, G., Maffezzoli, A. Degradation behaviour of a composite material for thermal protection systems. Part III. Char characterization (2000) Journal of Materials Science, 35 (18), pp. 4563-4566.
  68. López-Manchado, M., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Kinetic analysis of the thermal degradation of PP-EPDM blends (2000) Rubber Chemistry and Technology, 73 (4), pp. 694-705.
  69. Cyras, V.P., Vázquez, A., Rozsa, Ch., Galego Fernández, N., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Thermal stability of P(HB-co-HV) and its blends with polyalcohols: crystallinity, mechanical properties, and kinetics of degradation (2000) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 77 (13), pp. 2889-2900.
  70. López Manchado, M.A., Biagiotti, J., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Polypropylene crystallization in an ethylene-propylene-diene rubber matrix (2000) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 61 (2), pp. 437-450.
  71. Jiménez, A., Iannoni, A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Kinetic modeling of the thermal degradation of stabilized PVC plastisols (2000) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 61 (2), pp. 483-491.
  72. Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Recca, A., Siracusa, V., Tarzia, A., Maffezzoli, A. Study of the crystallization of an aromatic poly-ether-ketone (PK99) by calorimetric and X-ray analysis (2000) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 61 (2), pp. 565-578.
  73. Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Impact testing and simulation of sandwich structures (1999) International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (Proceedings), 44, p. II/.
  74. Jimenez, A., Lopez, J., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Kinetic analysis of the thermal degradation of PVC plastisols (1999) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 73 (6), pp. 1069-1079.
  75. Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Maffezzoli, A.M. Degradation behaviour of a composite material for thermal protection systems Part I-Experimental characterization (1998) Journal of Materials Science, 33 (12), pp. 3137-3143.
  76. Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Maffezzoli, A.M. Degradation behaviour of a composite material for thermal protection systems. Part II Process simulation (1998) Journal of Materials Science, 33 (12), pp. 3145-3149.
  77. Maffezzoli, A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Determination of the crystallization enthalpy of new-TPI (1998) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 67 (4), pp. 763-766.
  78. Torre, Luigi, Kenny, Jose M. Thermal degradation kinetics of poly ether imide (PEI) (1997) Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings, 2, pp. 1728-1732.
  79. Maffezzoli, A., Kenny, JosM., Torre, L. On the physical dimensions of the Avrami constant (1995) Thermochimica Acta, 269-270 (C), pp. 185-190.
  80. Torre, Luigi, Maffezzoli, Alfonso, Kenny, Jose M. Macrokinetic approach to crystallization applied to a new thermoplastic polyimide (new TPI) as a model polymer (1995) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 56 (8), pp. 985-993.
  81. Torre, L., Maffezzoli, A., Nicolais, L. Process modelling of thermoset based composites (1995) Revue de l'Institute Francais du Petrole, 50 (1), pp. 135-139.
  82. Kenny, J.M., Torre, L., Nicolais, L. Short- and long-term degradation of polymer-based composites. Thermochimica Acta, 227 (C), pp. 97-106.
  83. Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Characterization of blends of semicrystalline and amorphous matrices for high performance composites (1991) Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings, 37, pp. 2108-2111.