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CONTATTI: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale Email: luigi.torre@unipg.it |
Short Bio
L’Attività di ricerca del Prof. Torre si espleta principalmente nel campo dei materiali polimerici e dei compositi avanzati. I suoi interessi riguardano: la caratterizzazione di matrici polimeriche per compositi; l’analisi termica, modellazione di processi di produzione dei materiali compositi; i processi di degradazione dei materiali polimerici, materiali ablativi per capsule spaziali; riciclo di materie plastiche, produzione di parti in composito per applicazioni in ultravuoto, studio del comportamento al crash di strutture sandwich a matrice polimerica, nanocompositi a matrice termoplastica e termoindurente, processi di lavorazione dei materiali compositi. Gran parte della ricerca da lui svolta è stata finanziata tramite progetti Europei tra i quali vale la pena di citare: il progetto HYCOPROD “Design of Advanced Composite Production Processes for the Systematic Manufacture of Very Large Monocoque Hybrid Composite Sandwich Structures for the Transportation Sectors” premiato con il “JEC Innovation Award” a Parigi nel 2003; il Progetto “Ecoefficient Technologies and Products Based on Natural Fiber Composites (ECOFINA) ”; il Progetto: “New Concept of High Pressure Hydraulic Filter for Aeronautics Preserving Environment. (AEROFIL)”; il progetto “A Fundamental Study of the Processing - Structure - Properties of Nanocomposites for Industrial Applications (PRONACOM)”. Nell’ambito rete di eccellenza Europea NANOFUN, il Prof. Torre è stato direttore del “Virtual Modelling Laboratoratory” che consorziava un numero di partner Europei al fine di mettere in comune le capacità e le esperienze nel campo della modellazione matematica e della simulazione dei processi riguardanti le nanotecnologie. Per quanto riguarda la ricerca istituzionale, il Prof. Torre ha partecipato a diversi progetti PRIN e CNR quale membro di Unità operativa. Inoltre e nel 2002 è stato responsabile scientifico di Unità operativa. La sua attività scientifica è testimoniata da circa di 110 pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali, su libri o atti di convegni internazionali e nazionali. Il Prof. Torre è stato membro del comitato scientifico e organizzativo di numerose conferenze internazionali e nazionali Tra le quali La XXII conferenza internazionale della Polymer Processing Society (Sorrento 1996), la SAMPE Europe International Conference (Parigi dal 1998 a Oggi), SAMPE EUROPE Technical Conference (Tolosa 2006, Madrid 2007, Augsburg 2008). Il 5 convegno Nazionale AIMAT (Spoleto 2000), VI Convegno Nazionale INSTM, (Perugia 2005), IV International Conference NANOFUN-poly (Roma 2008), COMAT 2008 (Rio de Janeiro) Per quanto riguarda l’attività didattica, il Prof. Torre dall’anno Accademico 1996-1997 ha svolto attività seminariale ed esercitazioni nell’ambito dei corsi di Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali, Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Compositi, Tecnologia dei Polimeri del corso di Laurea della Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Perugia. Dal 1999 a oggi ha avuto in affidamento presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria il corso di Scienza e Tecnologia dei materiali Compositi, il corso di Tecnologie di Polimeri 4, inoltre ha in affidamento il corso di Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali presso il Corso Interfacoltà di Tecnologie del Restauro. Inoltre fa parte del collegio dei docenti del Dottorato in “Nuovi Materiali Strutturali e Funzionali per Applicazioni Spaziali” e del Dottorato in “Nanotecnologie dei Materiali”.
Temi di ricerca
Materiali “green” e ri-valorizzazione di scarti agro-alimentari e forestali
Biomateriali e Ingegneria tissutale
Materiali per l’aerospazio e le alte temperature
Web profiles
Lista Pubblicazioni
- Aluigi, A., Tonetti, C., Rombaldoni, F., Puglia, D., Fortunati, E., Armentano, I., Santulli, C., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Keratins extracted from Merino wool and Brown Alpaca fibres as potential fillers for PLLA-based biocomposites (2014) Journal of Materials Science,Article in Press.
- Monti, M., Armentano, I., Faiella, G., Antonucci, V., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L., Giordano, M. Toward the microstructure-properties relationship in MWCNT/epoxy composites: Percolation behavior and dielectric spectroscopy (2014) Composites Science and Technology, 96, pp. 38-46.
- Natali, M., Rallini, M., Puglia, D., Kenny, J., Torre, L. An armadillo-like flexible thermal protection system for inflatable decelerators: A novel paradigm (2014) Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 299 (3), pp. 379-390.
- Chieruzzi, M., Rallini, M., Pagano, S., Eramo, S., D'Errico, P., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Mechanical effect of static loading on endodontically treated teeth restored with fiber-reinforced posts (2014) Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials, 102 (2), pp. 384-394.
- Fortunati, E., Luzi, F., Puglia, D., Dominici, F., Santulli, C., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Investigation of thermo-mechanical, chemical and degradative properties of PLA-limonene films reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals extracted from Phormium tenax leaves (2014) European Polymer Journal, 56 (1), pp. 77-91.
- Luzi, F., Fortunati, E., Puglia, D., Lavorgna, M., Santulli, C., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Optimized extraction of cellulose nanocrystals from pristine and carded hemp fibres (2014) Industrial Crops and Products, 56, pp. 175-186.
- Rallini, M., Natali, M., Monti, M., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Effect of alumina nanoparticles on the thermal properties of carbon fibre-reinforced composites (2014) Fire and Materials, 38 (3), pp. 339-355.
- Bitinis, N., Fortunati, E., Verdejo, R., Armentano, I., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., López-Manchado, M.T. Thermal and bio-disintegration properties of poly(lactic acid)/natural rubber/organoclay nanocomposites (2014) Applied Clay Science, 93-94, pp. 78-84.
- Chiacchiarelli, L.M., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Kinetic and chemorheological modeling of the vitrification effect of highly reactive poly(urethane-isocyanurate) thermosets (2013) Thermochimica Acta, 574, pp. 88-97.
- Natali, M., Rallini, M., Puglia, D., Kenny, J., Torre, L. EPDM based heat shielding materials for Solid Rocket Motors: A comparative study of different fibrous reinforcements (2013) Polymer Degradation and Stability, Article in Press.
- Rallini, M., Natali, M., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Effect of boron carbide nanoparticles on the fire reaction and fire resistance of carbon fiber/epoxy composites (2013) Polymer (United Kingdom), 54 (19), pp. 5154-5165
- Chiacchiarelli, L.M., Monsalve, L., Vázquez, A., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. A polycaprolactone-based compatibilization treatment to improve dispersion and interphase structure of silica polyurethane composites (2013) Polymer Engineering and Science, . Article in Press.
- Petrucci, R., Santulli, C., Puglia, D., Sarasini, F., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Mechanical characterisation of hybrid composite laminates based on basalt fibres in combination with flax, hemp and glass fibres manufactured by vacuum infusion (2013) Materials and Design, 49, pp. 728-735.
- Chiacchiarelli, L.M., Puri, I., Puglia, D., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L.The relationship between nanosilica dispersion degree and the tensile properties of polyurethane nanocomposites (2013) Colloid and Polymer Science, 291 (12), pp. 2745-2753.
- Fortunati, E., Luzi, F., Puglia, D., Terenzi, A., Vercellino, M., Visai, L., Santulli, C., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Ternary PVA nanocomposites containing cellulose nanocrystals from different sources and silver particles: Part II (2013) Carbohydrate Polymers, 97 (2), pp. 837-848.
- Valentini, L., Cardinali, M., Fortunati, E., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. A novel method to prepare conductive nanocrystalline cellulose/graphene oxide composite films (2013) Materials Letters, 105, pp. 4-7.
- Chiacchiarelli, L.M., Rallini, M., Monti, M., Puglia, D., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. The role of irreversible and reversible phenomena in the piezoresistive behavior of graphene epoxy nanocomposites applied to structural health monitoring (2013) Composites Science and Technology, 80, pp. 73-79.
- Fortunati, E., Puglia, D., Luzi, F., Santulli, C., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Binary PVA bio-nanocomposites containing cellulose nanocrystals extracted from different natural sources: Part I (2013) Carbohydrate Polymers, 97 (2), pp. 825-836.
- Bitinis, N., Fortunati, E., Verdejo, R., Bras, J., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L., López-Manchado, M.A. Poly(lactic acid)/natural rubber/cellulose nanocrystal bionanocomposites. Part II: Properties evaluation (2013) Carbohydrate Polymers, 96 (2), pp. 621-627.
- Bitinis, N., Verdejo, R., Bras, J., Fortunati, E., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L., Lopez-Manchado, M.A. Poly(lactic acid)/natural rubber/cellulose nanocrystal bionanocomposites Part I. Processing and morphology (2013) Carbohydrate Polymers, 96 (2), pp. 611-620.
- Monti, M., Rallini, M., Puglia, D., Peponi, L., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Morphology and electrical properties of graphene-epoxy nanocomposites obtained by different solvent assisted processing methods (2013) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 46 (1), pp. 166-172.
- Torre, L., Puglia, D., Iannoni, A., Terenzi, A. Modeling of the chemorheological behavior of thermosetting polymer nanocomposites (2013) Modeling and Prediction of Polymer Nanocomposite Properties, pp. 255-287.
- Fortunati, E., Puglia, D., Monti, M., Peponi, L., Santulli, C., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Extraction of Cellulose Nanocrystals from Phormium tenax Fibres (2013) Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 21 (2), pp. 319-328.
- Chiacchiarelli, L.M., Puri, I., Puglia, D., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Cure kinetics of a highly reactive silica-polyurethane nanocomposite (2012) Thermochimica Acta, 549, pp. 172-178.
- Fortunati, E., Peltzer, M., Armentano, I., Torre, L., Jiménez, A., Kenny, J.M. Effects of modified cellulose nanocrystals on the barrier and migration properties of PLA nano-biocomposites (2012) Carbohydrate Polymers, 90 (2), pp. 948-956.
- Rallini, M., Monti, M., Natali, M., Puglia, D., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Graphene nanoplatelets as conductive fillers for strain sensing in epoxy nanocomposite (2012) International SAMPE Technical Conference, 3 p.
- Monti, M., Natali, M., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. The alignment of single walled carbon nanotubes in an epoxy resin by applying a DC electric field (2012) Carbon, 50 (7), pp. 2453-2464.
- Natali, M., Monti, M., Puglia, D., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Ablative properties of carbon black and MWNT/phenolic composites: A comparative study (2012) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 43 (1), pp. 174-182.
- Rallini, M., Monti, M., Natali, M., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Carbon fibre/epoxy composites with improved fire resistance properties (2011) International SAMPE Technical Conference, 9 p.
- Monti, M., Natali, M., Petrucci, R., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Impact damage sensing in glass fiber reinforced composites based on carbon nanotubes by electrical resistance measurements (2011) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 122 (4), pp. 2829-2836.
- Natali, M., Monti, M., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. A nanostructured ablative bulk molding compound: Development and characterization (2011) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 42 (9), pp. 1197-1204.
- Monti, M., Puglia, D., Natali, M., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Effect of carbon nanofibers on the cure kinetics of unsaturated polyester resin: Thermal and chemorheological modelling (2011) Composites Science and Technology, 71 (12), pp. 1507-1516.
- Natali, M., Monti, M., Kenny, J., Torre, L. Synthesis and thermal characterization of phenolic resin/silica nanocomposites prepared with high shear rate-mixing technique (2011) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 120 (5), pp. 2632-2640.
- Monti, M., Natali, M., Petrucci, R., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Carbon nanofibers for strain and impact damage sensing in glass fiber reinforced composites based on an unsaturated polyester resin (2011) Polymer Composites, 32 (5), pp. 766-775.
- La Tegola, S., Terenzi, A., Martini, R., Barbosa, S., Torre, L., Kenny, J. Processing and final properties improvement of polyolefin-sepiolite and carbon nanofibre nanocomposites (2011) Macromolecular Symposia, 301 (1), pp. 128-135.
- Monti, M., Terenzi, A., Natali, M., Gaztelumendi, I., Markaide, N., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Development of unsaturated polyester matrix - Carbon Nanofibers Nanocomposites with Improved Electrical Properties (2010) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 117 (3), pp. 1658-1666.
- Monti, M., Natali, M., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. MWNT-Doped epoxy matrix for detecting impact damages in fiber reinforced composites by electrical resistance measurements (2010) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1255, pp. 348-351.
- Natali, M., Kenny, J., Torre, L. Phenolic matrix nanocomposites based on commercial grade resols: Synthesis and characterization (2010) Composites Science and Technology, 70 (4), pp. 571-577.
- Torre, L., Chieruzzi, M., Kenny, J.M. Compatibilization and development of layered silicate nanocomposites based of unsatured polyester resin and customized intercalation agent (2010) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 115 (6), pp. 3659-3666.
- Peponi, L., Valentini, L., Torre, L., Mondragon, I., Kenny, J.M. Surfactant assisted selective confinement of carbon nanotubes functionalized with octadecylamine in a poly(styrene-b-isoprene-b-styrene) block copolymer matrix (2009) Carbon, 47 (10), pp. 2474-2480.
- Peponi, L., Tercjak, A., Torre, L., Mondragon, I., Kenny, J.M. Nanostructured physical gel of SBS block copolymer and Ag/DT/SBS nanocomposites (2009) Journal of Materials Science, 44 (5), pp. 1287-1293.
- Peponi, L., Tercjak, A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Mondragon, I. Surfactant effects on morphology-properties relationships of silver-poly(styrene-b-isoprene-b-styrene) block copolymer nanocomposites (2009) Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 9 (3), pp. 2128-2139.
- Lelli, G., Terenzi, A., Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Modelling of the chemo-rheological behavior of thermosetting polymer nanocomposites (2009) Polymer Composites, 30 (1), pp. 1-12.
- Torre, L., Petrucci, R., Kenny, J.M. Development and characterisation of high performance, fibre reinforced nanocomposites (2008) International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (Proceedings), 52, 4 p.
- Terenzi, A., Vedova, C., Lelli, G., Mijovic, J., Torre, L., Valentini, L., Kenny, J.M. Corrigendum to "Chemorheological behaviour of double-walled carbon nanotube-epoxy nanocomposites" (DOI:10.1016/j.compscitech.2008.01.005) (2008) Composites Science and Technology, 68 (14), p. 3064.
- Peponi, L., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Mondragon, I. Morphology and rheological behaviour of Ag-SBS nanocomposite gels (2008) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1042, pp. 272-275.
- Peponi, L., Tercjak, A., Gutierrez, J., Stadler, H., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Mondragon, I. Self-assembling of SBS block copolymers as templates for conductive silver nanocomposites (2008) Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 293 (7), pp. 568-573.
- Terenzi, A., Vedova, C., Lelli, G., Mijovic, J., Torre, L., Valentini, L., Kenny, J.M. Chemorheological behaviour of double-walled carbon nanotube-epoxy nanocomposites (2008) Composites Science and Technology, 68 (7-8), pp. 1862-1868.
- Peponi, L., Tercjak, A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Mondragon, I. Morphological analysis of self-assembled SIS block copolymer matrices containing silver nanoparticles (2008) Composites Science and Technology, 68 (7-8), pp. 1631-1636.
- Peponi, L., Tercjak, A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Mondragon, I. Influence of the amount of silver nanoparticles in the properties of nanocomposites based on poly(styrene-b-isoprene-b-styrene) and poly(styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene) block copolymer matrix (2008) Journal of Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites, 4 (2), pp. 76-83.
- Peponi, L., Biagiotti, J., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Mondragòn, I. Statistical analysis of the mechanical properties of natural fibers and their composite materials. I. Natural fibers (2008) Polymer Composites, 29 (3), pp. 313-320.
- Zangani, D., Robinson, M., Gibson, A.G., Torre, L., Holmberg, J.A. Numerical simulation of bending and failure behaviour of z-core sandwich panels (2007) Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 36 (9), pp. 389-395.
- Frulloni, E., Kenny, J.M., Conti, P., Torre, L. Experimental study and finite element analysis of the elastic instability of composite lattice structures for aeronautic applications (2007) Composite Structures, 78 (4), pp. 519-528.
- Torre, L., Lelli, G., Kenny, J.M. Synthesis and characterization of sPS/montmorillonite nanocomposites (2006) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 100 (6), pp. 4957-4963.
- Frulloni, E., Salinas, M.M., Torre, L., Mariani, A., Kenny, J.M. Numerical modeling and experimental study of the frontal polymerization of the diglycidyl ether of bisphenol a/diethylenetriamine epoxy system (2005) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 96 (5), pp. 1756-1766.
- Torre, L., Lelli, G., Kenny, J.M. Cure kinetics of epoxy/anhydride nanocomposite systems with added reactive flame retardants (2004) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 94 (4), pp. 1676-1689.
- Biagiotti, J., Puglia, D., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Arbelaiz, A., Cantero, G., Marieta, C., Llano-Ponte, R., Mondragon, I. A systematic investigation on the influence of the chemical treatment of natural fibers on the properties of their polymer matrix composites (2004) Polymer Composites, 25 (5), pp. 470-479.
- Biagiotti, J., Fiori, S., Torre, L., López-Manchado, M.A., Kenny, J.M. Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Matrix Composites Reinforced with Natural Fibers: A Statistical Approach (2004) Polymer Composites, 25 (1), pp. 26-36.
- Jiménez, A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Processing and properties of recycled polypropylene modified with elastomers (2003) Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 32 (8-9), pp. 357-367.
- Torre, L., Frulloni, E., Kenny, J.M., Manferti, C., Camino G. Processing and characterization of epoxy-anhydride-based intercalated nanocomposites (2003) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 90 (9), pp. 2532-2539.
- Navarro, R., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Jiménez, A. Thermal degradation of recycled polypropylene toughened with elastomers (2003) Polymer Degradation and Stability, 82 (2), pp. 279-290.
- Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Evaluation of energy absorption properties of crashworthy sandwich structures (2001) International SAMPE Technical Conference, 33, pp. 1478-1490.
- Jiménez, A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Thermal degradation of poly(vinyl chloride) plastisols based on low-migration polymeric plasticizers (2001) Polymer Degradation and Stability, 73 (3), pp. 447-453.
- López Manchado, M.A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Kinetic crystallization of polypropylene in ternary composites based on fiber-reinforced PP-EPDM blends (2001) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 81 (5), pp. 1063-1074.
- Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Impact testing and simulation of composite sandwich structures for civil transportation (2000) Composite Structures, 50 (3), pp. 257-267.
- López Manchado, M.A., Biagiotti, J., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Effects of reinforcing fibers on the crystallization of polypropylene (2000) Polymer Engineering and Science, 40 (10), pp. 2194-2204.
- Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Boghetich, G., Maffezzoli, A. Degradation behaviour of a composite material for thermal protection systems. Part III. Char characterization (2000) Journal of Materials Science, 35 (18), pp. 4563-4566.
- López-Manchado, M., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Kinetic analysis of the thermal degradation of PP-EPDM blends (2000) Rubber Chemistry and Technology, 73 (4), pp. 694-705.
- Cyras, V.P., Vázquez, A., Rozsa, Ch., Galego Fernández, N., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Thermal stability of P(HB-co-HV) and its blends with polyalcohols: crystallinity, mechanical properties, and kinetics of degradation (2000) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 77 (13), pp. 2889-2900.
- López Manchado, M.A., Biagiotti, J., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Polypropylene crystallization in an ethylene-propylene-diene rubber matrix (2000) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 61 (2), pp. 437-450.
- Jiménez, A., Iannoni, A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Kinetic modeling of the thermal degradation of stabilized PVC plastisols (2000) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 61 (2), pp. 483-491.
- Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Recca, A., Siracusa, V., Tarzia, A., Maffezzoli, A. Study of the crystallization of an aromatic poly-ether-ketone (PK99) by calorimetric and X-ray analysis (2000) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 61 (2), pp. 565-578.
- Kenny, J.M., Torre, L. Impact testing and simulation of sandwich structures (1999) International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (Proceedings), 44, p. II/.
- Jimenez, A., Lopez, J., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Kinetic analysis of the thermal degradation of PVC plastisols (1999) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 73 (6), pp. 1069-1079.
- Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Maffezzoli, A.M. Degradation behaviour of a composite material for thermal protection systems Part I-Experimental characterization (1998) Journal of Materials Science, 33 (12), pp. 3137-3143.
- Torre, L., Kenny, J.M., Maffezzoli, A.M. Degradation behaviour of a composite material for thermal protection systems. Part II Process simulation (1998) Journal of Materials Science, 33 (12), pp. 3145-3149.
- Maffezzoli, A., Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Determination of the crystallization enthalpy of new-TPI (1998) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 67 (4), pp. 763-766.
- Torre, Luigi, Kenny, Jose M. Thermal degradation kinetics of poly ether imide (PEI) (1997) Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings, 2, pp. 1728-1732.
- Maffezzoli, A., Kenny, JosM., Torre, L. On the physical dimensions of the Avrami constant (1995) Thermochimica Acta, 269-270 (C), pp. 185-190.
- Torre, Luigi, Maffezzoli, Alfonso, Kenny, Jose M. Macrokinetic approach to crystallization applied to a new thermoplastic polyimide (new TPI) as a model polymer (1995) Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 56 (8), pp. 985-993.
- Torre, L., Maffezzoli, A., Nicolais, L. Process modelling of thermoset based composites (1995) Revue de l'Institute Francais du Petrole, 50 (1), pp. 135-139.
- Kenny, J.M., Torre, L., Nicolais, L. Short- and long-term degradation of polymer-based composites. Thermochimica Acta, 227 (C), pp. 97-106.
- Torre, L., Kenny, J.M. Characterization of blends of semicrystalline and amorphous matrices for high performance composites (1991) Annual Technical Conference - ANTEC, Conference Proceedings, 37, pp. 2108-2111.