Docenti: Prof. Dr. Luca valentini, Prof Dr. Filippo Ubertini, Antonella D'Alessandro


Programma del corso (5 CFU):

08/06/2022 In Perugia (from 14 to 17).

Self-monitoring nanomaterials: principles of functioning. (3 hours) Luca Valentini 

14/06/2022. In remote (From 09 to 12).

Processing and integration methods of nanomaterials. (3 hours) Luca Valentini 

20/06/2022 In Perugia/in remote (From 09 to 13).

Self-sensing composites for structural engineering applications. (4hours, 1lab) Antonella D’Alessandro 

22/06/2022 In Perugia (From 14 to 17).

Nanomaterials for energy harvesting. (3 hours) Luca Valentini 

27/06/2022 In Terni (From 09 to 12).

Materials for Critical Industrial Applications - Mechanics of vibrations, from design to aerospace applications. This lesson will be hold by Dr. Eng. Antonio Alvino Technical Director of SERMS srl a company of UMBRAGROUP SpA  (3hours) + 2 hours of Laboratory.  

28/06/2022 In Perugia/in remote (From 09 to 13).

Sensing skins for large area monitoring. Smart pavements for road monitoring and WIM (3hours, 2lab) Filippo Ubertini and Antonella D’Alessandro